Recent content by jhart

  1. J

    crown or front ?

    there's so many effective treatments for the crown =/. how can you say that recession is the better type of baldness, it's like saying third degree burns on your arms are worse than amputation.
  2. J

    Same hairline but....fathers father...

    well you're not receding BUT, if you're that paranoid get your hair density checked by a derma. it would be easy to tell if you were a norwood 2.5+, but your hairline is a norwood -1.
  3. J

    The Pope

  4. J

    Why do they reccomend giving up dairy

    I think you're on to something hoppi this is brilliant, think about it. babies drink breast milk and they're bald. I think the hair supplement companies are in league with the dairy farmers. I can't go into further detail right now I must seek the underground.
  5. J

    hey I'm in need of help from a stylist master!

    guess ill compound my experiences in one thread. I tried this stuff called "hair spray". and it makes my hair looks so much fuller. this stuff is revolutionary, I hope the word spreads. I also bought some random fructis putty and ordered some nanogen and aveda pure abundance. so far so good...
  6. J

    hey I'm in need of help from a stylist master!

    I want to try straightening it, will it make it thinner? and what's the deal with shorter hair looking thicker? If I cut it short will it look thicker? I'm ultra scared that a bad cut will forever expose some thinning.
  7. J

    I have decided to smash DHT again!!

    message to newcomers; AVOID THIS THREAD.
  8. J

    Advance hair studio's? worth while investment?

    nah bro, they give you the same stuff if not less effective than what you can buy yourself for a much greater price.
  9. J

    I have decided to smash DHT again!!

    I recently watched silence of the lambs, I couldn't stop thinking about hoppi during the scene where buffalo bill wears a victims scalp over his head then dances to the tune of goodbye horses with his penis tucked under his legs. that is all.
  10. J

    hey I'm in need of help from a stylist master!

    hello, here's my hair, I've grown it out long, as you can see in the picture I part it over the thinner side, I need some advice on what styles I can achieve and what products I can use without having noticeable hair loss. I am so afraid of cutting it and exposing some thinning. I have...
  11. J

    This guy looks good close to bald without a shaved head

    complete baldness is horrible, but really will anyone here ever go completely bald? a receding hairline and thinning hair adds character, hair is a characteristic but you don't need much at all to say something about yourself. allot of people here want NW1 model hair, that's just too damn...
  12. J

    After 6 months, my completed hair loss theory for myself!

    5 months ago when I made the standard I'm balding wah wah post, one of the first to respond was Hoppi with his alternative bullshit, this guy is dangerous, he has the same frame of mind that certain charlatans have who aren't aware of their own fraudulence, please Hoppi at least clarify with...
  13. J

    Jedward planning to shave their heads

    I'm 22 and I feel old reading this thread..... am I supposed to be in the know on who these guys are?
  14. J

    Over masturbation

    "my hair gets greasy when I masturbate" wash your hands afterwards.
  15. J

    First time poster, just started Finasteride need advice

    Some will say wait and see the results of finasteride before using minoxidil. Some will tell you to start immediately, its really a personal choice if you do start minoxidil you will get much better regrowth than finasteride. as for nizoral in my opinion you should defiantly add it in to your regimen. minoxidil is a double...