Recent content by GravityBoots

  1. GravityBoots

    Hair Regrowth with Cannabidiol (CBD) - rich Hemp Extract – A Case Series (2021)

    Following the completed study , I guess the bottom line is you want 3-4mg of CBD applied to your scalp daily. If your not going to mix your oil with anything else, the math should be simple. Just count the drops to get 3-4 mg of CBD (it should say on the bottle how many drops per mg of CBD)...
  2. GravityBoots

    Hair Regrowth with Cannabidiol (CBD) - rich Hemp Extract – A Case Series (2021)

    As pointed out in a comment on hairlosscure2020 there are two studies here. The completed study that the OP cited: "The topical extract was made of high CBD cannabis sativa (hemp) flower that had been ultrapulverized into a fine powder. This chalk-like green powder was independently analyzed by...
  3. GravityBoots

    Hair Regrowth with Cannabidiol (CBD) - rich Hemp Extract – A Case Series (2021)

    You said "I have also used it on my face and it pushes the pores outward even over one night." Maybe it could help with acne. I wonder if it is the CBD or the carrier-oil/cream that is being used that is having that effect. Which brand of CBD cream are you using?
  4. GravityBoots

    Rosemary Decoction - A Simple Topical Rosemary Extract

    My rosemary extract mix is not causing any irritation or itch. I was never one to experience scalp itch like so many on this board. It does dry my hair/scalp a bit (I imagine it's the alcohol) but it's not a problem, as I have my hair cut very short. Regarding Lactate, I agree with you that...
  5. GravityBoots

    Rosemary Decoction - A Simple Topical Rosemary Extract

    In searching for new information on Pulmonary Fibrosis for a family member, I came across these two interesting articles where the researchers used rosemary as the active ingredient: The first study: Prophylactic and curative effect of rosemary leaves extract in a bleomycin model of pulmonary...