Recent content by google1980

  1. G

    The masturbation theory put to the test

    I put the theory to test. The last 8 or so years I have been a frequent mbater. not 2 -3 times a day, but at least once most of the time. I started dropping hair last August. I'm turning 26 in jan. I used to have pretty thick, albeit coarse dry hair. My grandfather and father are both...
  2. G

    All these Propecia scares....

    be afraid to use propecia. Don't take it lightly. I don't care how much of a family man your derm is, he learns all his info from big pharma. whatever big pharma tells him, he tells his patients, its as simple as that. I mean if you are willing to accept the risks, by all means go ahead...
  3. G

    Why young bald males have it WORSE than females w/ alopecia

    After reading that post, I'm glad I never started Propecia. It just might be dumbest thing to do. Results maybe only last 5 - 8 years at best. If you're 20 something, I would say to get off Propecia now! otherwise your children are gonna come out as XXY.
  4. G

    looking at the mirror is not right

    I would have to agree. Last year I never really looked at other people's hair. For example, I know plenty of bald people (parent's friends), but I never looked or thought of them as being bald. Kinda weird huh? Only until I started dropping some hairs, did I really notice. Now its like an...
  5. G

    Has anyone heard of, or tried Acupunture for Hair Loss

    Last week I Came across a study done on hair loss and acupuncture done in Taiwan or China. I forgot the site. If I remember correctly there was a positive correlation with acupuncture treatments and hair growth. I will also be finding an acupuncturist soon. I was googling "Kidney...
  6. G

    Hormone problem?

    In Agreement First time poster, long time reader... Everything that cooldar says about weak kidney function and Chinese medicine is pretty much on the money. I am studying in Shanghai and recently visited a Chinese doctor/herbalist concerning my back pain and hairloss. He pretty much...