Recent content by DjSap

  1. D

    The 5-year estimate

    Trials usually last 10+ years in most countries, so expecting a cure in 5 years is not realistic. First a company will usually make it public that is has something going on. If public then after phase 1 and if startup then most likely before that, then we will have to wait about 10 years for it...
  2. D

    My uncle says my meds are a waste of money

    Let's do the math and see what I will spend on my regimen. Fincar $90USD per year. Minoxidil $60 USD per year. Nizoral/TGel $0 per year as they replaced my other shampoos. That's $150 USD per year in total, over 30 years that would amount to $4500USD. Call me crazy but that is not that...
  3. D

    Rogaine and hairline...

    I've been using 5% minoxidil for about 4 months now and have gotten a lot of improvement in the form of regrowth on my widows peak's. Although one side has received much better results then the other. At the moment the recession on my left side is gone and almost looks as good as it was before my...
  4. D

    Has anyone eyebrows gotten thicker on proscar and minoxidil

    I've had such a good improvement in my tempel region with minoxidil that I basically got a unibrow that streched all the way to my hairline. Got my GF to pluck all that crap and now I am more careful about minoxidil dripping down the forehead which I beleive caused the whole thing. A few people have...
  5. D

    how to get my Doctor to give me proscar

    You could always already tell him you are on proscar, but you feel worried as you buy it off the internet and thus you cannot assure it's legitimacy. That will make him feel guilty, and hopefully make him give it to you.
  6. D

    iam searchin proscar for paypal :(

    Seeing as it is not legal to use paypal for sales of prescription medicine (unless you require prescriptions) I would guess that the only ones using it are dumbasses who you would not want to shop at anyways.
  7. D

    Do most of you guys get proscar from the doctor or online?

    Yes, just drive around to different doctors. Eventually you will find one that actually knows something about propecia/proscar that isn't in their little doctors book. Ordering online will be more expensive and risky. Take your time to go to different doctors, also post on the forums and look...
  8. D

    Counterfeit drugs: New focus of organized crime

    Meh that's a long-shot, any drug company that would have a superior cure for baldness would not just stash it as they risk another company to come up with a different cure. And once they start the fda process it becomes pretty public so it would be hard to hide a baldness cure that actually worked.
  9. D

    Can you "load" finasteride for fewer doses?

    By looking at the graphs it appears that taking it daily evens out the dht on a low level while taking it in bulk creates a dht daily would be the recommended option...
  10. D

    Proscar sells genuine merck proscar for a good price, I buy my stuff there and have nothing bad to say except the delivery time for the first order (expect 3 weeks). inhousepharmacy is the second one that seems to get recommended a lot, they have the generic version fincar that is extremely...
  11. D

    Beware: Kirkland minoxidil

    Have been experiencing bad flaking as well but it has given me results in about 10 weeks so i will continue using it as my flaking is not really visible.
  12. D

    Question for Tynan or any other QHI customers

    Hey guys did your packages have a return address on them? I (in Sweden) received a white padded envolope but the weird part was that the return adress sticker had a swedish address on it.
  13. D

    How Hard Is It to Get Propecia/Proscar Prescribed? and seems to be the two most recommended sites for proscar on these forums. Although i personally have only used QHI and was very pleased even though the delivery time wqs about 3 weeks.
  14. D

    Calling all receders using minoxidil for the temples

    I started using 5% kirkland minoxidil on my temples about 10 weeks ago, so far hair has grown back although pretty short and light. In essence it seems to be working for me but the end results are probably not going to be seen for a few months.
  15. D

    Dating scene: more women when you had hair or when thinning?

    I find that hard to believe seeing as the confidence level of balding men usually is pretty low. I guess in some cases where the person has blading hair, says f*** it and shaves it off gives the impression of a very confident person. That is the only rational explanation. Esthetically...