Recent content by dek

  1. D

    Using propecia for several years and still went bald

    been on it for four years and there has been zero change in my male pattern baldness, might as well have been placibo except on my wallet, no sides, no regrowth, no stoppage of hair loss
  2. D

    finasteride for 3-4 years and a question

    anyone out there with any brief timeline to their baldness that I could use to guage mine? I really need to get some advice whether or not finasteride is helping me or not? 6 years of balding, hairline back a half inch and sparse and thin at crown but overall not terrible. my pattern isnt on the norwood...
  3. D

    finasteride for 3-4 years and a question

    fair enough and thanks for the reply, unfortunately I never knew my father or anyone on my mothers side of the family, however my mother is very bald at the age of 55, but I dont know if the gene is from her...anyway, can anyone who has a similar timeline as me (started losing hair at 19 and for...
  4. D

    finasteride for 3-4 years and a question

    Hey there, I havent been on this site in a long time and I have a question for you guys. I noticed my balding at 19, im 26 now and have been on finasteride for 4 or so years but have never been able to tell if its doing a darn thing. I've been on minoxidil for about 21 months, with nizoral here and there...
  5. D

    switching minoxidil brands

    thanks, i appreciate your responce, but I know all the things that "should" happen. finasteride also "should" have helped me, but was a huge waste of money for me. I am looking for people who have actually made the switch to get first hand proof of this continued effectiveness.
  6. D

    switching minoxidil brands

    I have been using minoxidil (actual rogaine 5%) for about 2 and a half months now and it has been very effective in thickening up hair all over the top of my head as well as improving the hairline by thickening up the thinner light hairs that made up the line. i am very pleased with these results...
  7. D

    stopping rogaine in middle of a shed

    just wondering why i keep hearing how bad this is. will the shed hair not grow back. doesnt finasteride induced shed hair come back if you drop finasteride? Im sure this is covered by some other post submitted forever ago, but i really cant find any answers, so if you are going to take the time to respond...
  8. D

    Rogaine/Minoxidil Expiration Date

    yeah, i asked this question about a month ago because i was sitting on some older minoxidil as well. everyone told me it shouldnt be an issue so i went ahead and started on it. its only been three weeks into it and im shedding noticeably, so i imagine its doing its job. other responces would be...
  9. D

    no responce to finasteride

    thanks guys, is there a common success rate of people switching to dutasteride from finasteride?
  10. D

    no responce to finasteride

    I have been away for awhile, so i havent really been able to find alot of people who have responded to finasteride like me, which is to say, not at all. I havent shed at all, hair loss hasnt stopped, no regrowth, everything is going the exact same pace and amount as it was before and i have been...
  11. D

    Now I know why...

    wow Bash, since we are very similar in age and loss, can you answer a few questions for me? Im 24 and have been noticing loss since 20, I have been on proscar for about ten months and am about to add minoxidil. Nothing at all happened the first nine months, but now i am starting to have a slight...
  12. D

    Proscar of propecia

    some people actually get excited when they see a new success story, so perhaps posting in the correct forum will help people to be nice to you and give advice...
  13. D

    shedding w/o noticing

    Has anyone ever gone through a shed without noticing an actual increase in the fallen hairs that they see? Everyone seems to have a numerical estimate to how many hairs they see when brushing, showering, etc. then they see an obvious increase when they shed. I've been on proscar for nine months...
  14. D

    Excessive facial hair due to minoxidil

    I've been wondering about the absorption of minoxidil. If you apply it to your original hairline and stop there, wont it absorb past your hairline and onto your forehead?