Recent content by Captain Obvious

  1. C

    I lost my fiance because of this and women no longer want me

    That logic is retarded unless you believe relationships are based on tight psychological grips on your mate. And we're not talking about a 50 year old woman who is past her prime, the girl was in her mid 20's, she clearly had plenty of sexual dominance in order to leave him for a better looking...
  2. C

    I lost my fiance because of this and women no longer want me

    That story is truely heart breaking, sir. On the bright side, I don't see her harshness as uncalled for, I think it should actually bring you a good amount of closure. Better she tell you she is simply unattracted to your baldness now rather than give you no reason at all and leave you guessing...
  3. C

    Is there any "right" way to be bald?

    I feel like society has some expectations of a bald man, some parameteres for acceptance that are not easy to accept but once you realize them maybe then you can find a sincere identity. First and foremost, obviously, is the lack of women; a bald man must expect less from females. Secondly...
  4. C

    A funny cofee advert (include baldness)

    that is why i don't trust commercials. there is a confusing mix of subliminal messages and retarded humor that insults my intelligence.
  5. C

    how do you feel

    I just can't help thinking how oblivious they are about how important hair is. They seem to have this attitude like "yeah i have hair, so what, everyone does.... except for YOU!" and they laugh at me because i'm a hair loser. They really have no idea.
  6. C

    Is there any existent case of someone cured from hairloss ?

    Not that I've ever heard of. Going bald is a one way ticket.
  7. C

    Girls checking me out: real or imagined?

    They are probably wondering what I'm doing at large in public, huh? They think I should be in a dark hole somewhere jacking off. How dare I walk the streets.
  8. C

    Girls checking me out: real or imagined?

    I must be getting delusional but sometimes I think girls are actually attracted to me. How is this possible? I am categorically ugly. Do you think I am actually scaring them or weirding them out? That would make more sense. Like maybe they're looking at me because they think my baldness is...
  9. C

    What if you could have that hot woman...

    Women do fall in love, TRUE love, all the time. If she doesn't love you it's not because she is a money grubbing, vain, superficial b**ch, it's just because the chemistry isn't there. No women wants to grow old alone or with some jerk just for his money. Human beings in general want someone who...
  10. C

    Worry about what job your hair can get, not what woman it ca

    A job is a great thing to have but it does not compare to the love of a woman. A job isn't going to give you love, sex, children, a feminen touch, emotional support and a person to grow old with. You are nucking futs if you think anything in life is more rewarding than the love of a good woman.
  11. C

    anyone notice the inverse of hair loss

    brings to mind the infamous Fresh Prince of Bel-Air quote, he says something to his bald uncle like... "yeah uncle phil, this is the style now, this is how the kids wear it, short on the sides and long on top" ... then he lookes at his uncles bald head and says, "but you sorta got the...
  12. C

    Starting to give up...

    I'm right there with you. I see all these guys walking down the street with a beautiful girl hanging on to them and I can just imagin how her soft body must feel to that guy who, of course, has a full head of hair. I never ever see a balding guy with a girl on his arm. It makes me sick to my...
  13. C

    A question to high norwoods

    I could be wrong, but... Receeders hair tends to shed out while diffusers hair tends to shrink and die. I diffused, so i never noticed any hairs in my drain or anything like that. My hair just got thinner and stopped growing.
  14. C

    I thought abot something positive in baldness.

    i actually agree kind of. these later years i have been eating whatever i want. nachos, pizza, burgers, cookies... cause who the hell cares?
  15. C

    A different perspective and a solution - a revelation

    What does any of that have to do with women? That's all I care about. I need a woman in my life.