Recent content by BoatsLoadsofDope

  1. B

    How Many Actually Have Hair Loss Or Are Just Here To Get Attention

    I made a thread some days ago as a new member didn't recieve any useful answer other than from some 17 year old, not all of us are here because we crave attention, i hoped i could find an answer if i was in the very early beginning stages of MPL. From others who might have been at the same stage...
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    First Signs Of Balding Or Am I Going Crazy?

    Uhhmmm. I think i'll try talking to a dermatologist before i'll try talking to a person that wants to sell me a super expensive hair transplant, and possibly getting my scalp scanned. But else thanks, not what i was looking after though.
  3. B

    3.75 Months On 5% Min - Time To Give Up?

    Don't take my word for it, but i've been looking into these drugs as well since i think my hair is thinning, and everywhere it states that it might take between 4-6 months and maybe even up to 8 months for you to spot a difference, it seems like yours have worked very quickly.
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    First Signs Of Balding Or Am I Going Crazy?

    Hello guys, im a 21 year old male from S.Korea, and a couple of months ago i just caught my hair looking like it's thinning out, i've already been to a doctor and she basically refused to send me to a dermatologist since she said i was looking okay, but she just took a quick look at my scalp no...