Your thoughts on the hat wearer?


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What are your thoughts on excessive hat wearing?

What famous hat wearers are there out in the world of celebrity?

I can see why people get in to it. It's a very easy and cheap solution to a problem. And if you hate seeing yourself in the mirror without then all the power to you, but you will become addicted to this, and can make up for some awkward situations - restaurants, bars, weddings, or even just being asked to take the hat off somewhere.

I have seen with my two eyes a negative reaction to my hat coming off. Sitting across from a group of folk, and a shaved head under a beanie and was chatting to a couple of ladies in a bar - there was nothing going on in that way, but it was light-hearted and fun. They were joking around and someone took the hat off to reveal his wonderful Norwood 4 shaved head. Five minutes later they were gone.

A double-edged sword the hat. It'll shape your face and I've seen myself even when wearing one look about 10 years younger with one on, but all the time. You'll earn yourself an urban legend status and it'll become a crutch.

Overall - I am still unsure. If it gives the individual some peace and happiness for a short time then go for it, but then again it will have to come off at somepoint.

Like a wig, a hat for extensive use is probably only a short-term idea.


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My Regimen
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Yep, it's a non-solution. Good on occasions, like when you're going on holidays or somewhere and you just want to blend in with a group of strangers without thinking about your hair loss, but if you plan on making acquaintances with people it should be clear to you that people are gonna wonder what's under there and it'll be weird if you're seen with it all the time so...

I suppose someone who is like super eccentric could pull off wearing all sorts of funky hats and even wigs of different colors and such but you'd have to make it a point that it's a style thing (like you're oh so totally metro) and you're ready to show to anyone that you're in fact bald, but you know, hair is kinda like an accessory to you so you change it every day. I suppose that COULD fly, but you'd have to be a very special kind of person, think like... a gay fashion designer or something LOL, to be able to pull that off.


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At the end of the day, you still take it off to have sex; so you still can only have sex with the people that are ok with baldness - generally those with limited options. Doesn't fix anything. Still a bottom-feeder, still bald.

Hair would help though. I've a strong feeling growing hair would be a pretty good solution for hair loss. Someone please notify the researchers.

Sans Hair

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Many years ago I was a prisoner to the hat. I used to work in a freezer room where it was common to see men wearing beanie hats to keep themselves warm. I once made the mistake of removing my hat in front of my colleague and he just replied with a shocked "WTF" when he saw my NW10 underneath. From then on that hat never left my head.

Later on I started dating a really hot young manager at the same place. She was 19 and every guy wanted her, I was 26 and the envy of them all. During our dates I would always keep my hat on. She would try taking it off but out of fear, I'd knock her hand away and make an excuse. We even had sex with it on during some occasions and to this day, she has never seen me without it. I was terrified that she would see the horrible truth and run a mile from my bald head.

In in time we broke up (my choice, she wanted to take things further) and oddly enough her next boyfriend was a NW10 as well. She never had any problems with him and I think they later got married. In truth, I had nothing to fear other than my own thoughts so the hat was a waste of time.


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Checkout Javed Jafri and Naved Jafri on google images.

Javed Jafri - Wears a bandana or a hat all the time now so have never seen him balding
Naved Jafri - Javed's younger brother. Bald and shaven


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I think if you wear a hat most of the time, most people will probably think that you're bald or are balding, and are trying to hide it.


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Carlos Santana
The Edge (U2)
Robert Rodriguez
LL Cool J (not always but 99% of the time)

I never wore a hat when I had a bald spot. I started wearing one after an unsatisfactory hair transplant and it became a major crutch that I've battled with.


My Regimen
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Many years ago I was a prisoner to the hat. I used to work in a freezer room where it was common to see men wearing beanie hats to keep themselves warm. I once made the mistake of removing my hat in front of my colleague and he just replied with a shocked "WTF" when he saw my NW10 underneath. From then on that hat never left my head.

Later on I started dating a really hot young manager at the same place. She was 19 and every guy wanted her, I was 26 and the envy of them all. During our dates I would always keep my hat on. She would try taking it off but out of fear, I'd knock her hand away and make an excuse. We even had sex with it on during some occasions and to this day, she has never seen me without it. I was terrified that she would see the horrible truth and run a mile from my bald head.

In in time we broke up (my choice, she wanted to take things further) and oddly enough her next boyfriend was a NW10 as well. She never had any problems with him and I think they later got married. In truth, I had nothing to fear other than my own thoughts so the hat was a waste of time.

Woah, that ****s deep.


My Regimen
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To the hat topic- I think in an odd way it would make me even more self-conscious about my baldness. I'm not at the stage where I'd need to cover up, not a fullhead at all either but I mean, I don't know how a wig could go on the hair I already have for example.

I'll be honest a hat would be lovely sometimes like in the sun, or a nightclub, I avoid it nearly all the time but the few times I have worn hats (ie, halloween cowboy hat) my face just seems to set perfectly, forehead more compact, even jaw seems stronger, cheekbones oh yeah, maybe it's all in my head.

But no, in my mindset right now I couldn't ever commit to covering up. Maybe that will change when/if all my hair goes (inb4 someone points out my sunny disposition) but for now, this would almost make me feel constantly more aware of my hairloss, the fact I know about the big secret under there and I'd be constantly paranoid that everyone else does. With a hat it would be bad enough even though it's safe, with a wig, unthinkable, I'd constantly be fixing and adjusting, scared as hell.

I'm too proud, and because of that if I was bald completely, I'd have to put on a facade that I'm completely fine with it, I don't know if I'd shave it slick but I'd keep it very very short at all times. So being that proud, I'd really feel way more ashamed of people knowing or figuring out that I'm covering up an insecurity, way more than something I can't control such as baldness.

I can imagine it feels fine with, as someone pointed out earlier in this thread, one-off social relationships, holidays, etc. Right now I definitely still wouldn't like it, imagining being bald however, I can see it as reasonable but I still don't think I'd do it. I'd probably look for other bald guys and try and stand near them to look normal.


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This is weird but the more hair I loose, the less likely I am to wear a cap.
I think it's because of the greater contrast between hat on and hat off.
When a guy with decent hair takes his hat off, its no great visual contrast.
But, when a guy with thinning ugly hair, and a ton of forehead takes his cap off, the contrast is massive.
I'm now I'm the latter camp.

Can anyone relate?


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I wear a hat a good portion of the time. I live at the beach tho so it's pretty common for many, balding or not.

it is absolutely a crutch for me tho, and it sucks


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Yes as lame as a hat dependency is in certain circumstances it does invariably help me brave the paranoia of public scrutiny.


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Another celeb that wears a hat all the time is Michael Moore. Though, I don't think he's balding. I think it's become his trademark look.


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The moment when you start living, and basing decisions behind your hat is when problems arise. At the point where you officially become a hat prisoner.


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The moment when you start living, and basing decisions behind your hat is when problems arise. At the point where you officially become a hat prisoner.
Another good post!! I always try to rep your ***, but apparently I have to "spread it around."


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Hats did help me pull a few hotties back in the day tho so no hate from me.

Honestly the first time my now wife laid eyes on me I had a hat on. Would my life be totally different had that not been the case? I guess I'll never know


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A hat prisoner is a sad creature, but he is not so forlorn as the bald prisoner under solitary confinement inside his own home.