Your experience with finasterid and lower doses than 1mg


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Does anyone here, which uses finasterid, have first hand experience with lower doses than 1mg?
I've been using propecia for almost 4 months myself. I don't have any pictures for comparison, but it seems like it's working on me (diffuse thinner). I do have side effects on the other hand (erectile dysfunction, often ball ache, occasionally muscle ache - especially in the breast area). The plan is to stay on 1mg for one year, and then lower the dose as much as needed for my body to tolerate the drug. The question is if the hair is likely to be maintained, lets say with 0.5mg or maybe even 0.25mg (every day of course).


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Breast area? You sound lioek you are developing tissue there aka Gyno aka b**ch tits

watch that man, either stop and get on the nolvdex to kill that sh*t before it becomes perm.

Cut down .25 give it ago otherwise weigh up whats more important b**ch tits or ur hair

DW in my case it would be the hair... :$


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Well, to be honest, there is no turning back. I've been through different things in my life, and losing my hair now is not something I can live with. Imagine a male bird without colors on its feathers. Wouldn't get much attention from females...

If the all the pain around the breast area is gyno developing, I would get the biggest tits ever created. Seriously. I'm looking for changes in the breasts, but it's hard to see, because I'm a little overweight, and already do have small "tits", although it's only fat. The nipples will make a change in their appearance if I begin to develop gyno, won't they? Anyone who knows exactly what to look for?


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I know how you feel

have a look at estrogen inhibitors to use along side with propecia to calm the levels down. use generally small amounts should be fine. do a search here its been discussed before

if gyno starts for me ill be jumping on anti estrogen of some type cos i cant lose my hair


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Maybe I should make an appointment with my doctor then. Do they run a test to see if there's some tissue development? I can hardly believe that they just will give me some anti-estrogen drug. Damn, messing with hormones is just plain stupid in the first place.

It seems like I'm overdosing the drug, and a natural response would be to lower the dose, but I fear that doing so might affect the result.


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0.5mg has been proven to be the same as taking 1mg if you want to play it safe drop down to .25mg like me .5mg reduces DHT by 80% (from memory same as 1mg) however .25mg is less then that although may still be effective if your loss isnt severe?

First thing I would do is determine really how important your hair is? if it is then do the following

research the heck out of Anti estrogens good thread about it on!
DROP the propcia level to .25mg per day see how you go...

Yes you can test for gyno urself give them boobies a feel .. if you feel any round soft tissue under the nipples its gyno generally get a Doctor for a more accurate diagnosis. good news is if you catch it early it can be totally removed by Nolvdex (research this) if you leave it ONLY WAY TO REMOVE IT IS BY SURGERY!

Good luck bro!


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The good thing is that I don't believe my hairloss process is severe, if it was, I believe I would've been bald by now. I've been thinning for years, and I believe seborrheic dermatitis is the main reason for my hairloss. The condition was very bad for many years, and I didn't even know what it was before a year ago. I used to stand in the bathroom every evening for several minutes and scraping of skin flakes which was itching like hell. After this kind of treatment it was always a lot of skin flakes and hair falling off. Never thought about it...

By round soft tissue under the nipples, do you mean in the "sockets" or around the "sockets"?

Thanks for your advice by the way.


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Hey just to throw my two cents in:

I used 1 mg for a year with good results. The hair got thinner initially but by the one year mark it was thicker than when I started (diffuse thinner I guess). After about 15 months I cut down to .5 mg every other day. It's been about 7 months since I started that and things are just fine.

So yes, reduced dosage worked for ME. But yah, it's different for every single person of course. I would still reccomend 1 mg daily for at least a year to determine if you're a responder.


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Oh, and stop worrying about the tits thing. I thought I was getting gyno for a while Nope, just gained weight in my chest and stomach so I was getting some little b**ch-tits (I'm getting older now, can't eat the way I used to). Get some cardio and eat healthy to take care of most "gyno". Or suck it up and see a Doctor.


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That's what I believe myself, but you never know. I know for sure I've gained some weight in the last months, so it's probably just fat from unhealthy habits and muscle pain from the drug. As I've said, my plan was to use the recommended dose for a year, and then lower the dose to see what happens, but I've decided to cut down already. It seems like my hair is responding, but the side effects suggest that the dose is too high. I think the longer I push my body, the worse side effects will get (although most of them comes and goes), and it will probably take longer to recover with lower doses. The erectile dysfunction has been worse the last days. I can only get it half way up. I'm going to stay off the drug till it's better, and then use 0.5 mg. every day. It seems like I'm heading towards impotence, and that's serious.

Thanks for your response.


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As my hairloss isn't too bad or aggressive, I'm considering starting on 0.25mg-0.5mg finasteride. My theory been, I'm after more maintainence than regrowth and it should reduce shedding and side affects? Not to mention cheaper...

Does this make sense to people? Is is reccomended?


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If your scalp is healthy, I recommend trying minoxidil before turning to finasterid.


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Hammer87 said:
As my hairloss isn't too bad or aggressive, I'm considering starting on 0.25mg-0.5mg finasteride. My theory been, I'm after more maintainence than regrowth and it should reduce shedding and side affects? Not to mention cheaper...

Does this make sense to people? Is is reccomended?

Doing that myself now with Geniune Propecia .25mg per day.. so far on my 4th day NO Symptoms of anything

Everything is normal erection wise, semen wise fingers crossed