You guys are nuts


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Everyone on here tells people to hop on finasteride as soon as they notice some small recession in the hairline. Everybody on here also misdiagnoses what people are on the Norwood scale. For instance many of you think that an nw1 is a perfectly straight hairline, it's not. Norwood 1 has recession at both temples. What norwood you are depends on how your head is shaped and what your juvenile hairline looked like. For example, someone with a widows peak will have a mature hairline that is very angled and v shaped as that was the shape of their hairline ever since they were young. I do agree with the statement that a mature hairline at a young age does mean you will eventually go bald in your 40's or 50's but I don't think any teenager should worry at all unless they progress to the nw3 stage or have thinning of the crown. Also an nw3 is very receded and many of you tell people who are nw2's that they are infact nw3's Norwood 3's have extremely deep temple recession usually followed by thinning all across the head. A receding hairline is part of aging and is a natural process. It does not mean you are going bald anytime in the near future. I would really only be worried if you started to see thinning at the crown. Also people often use celebrities as examples to show what a certain norwood is. Well guess what, most if not all celebrities have cosmetic surgeries and procedures done and I'm sure hair transplants are a common thing in the world of movie stars. Also many of you claim that miniaturization at the hairline means male pattern baldness and that you will continually progress unless you get on treatment. How do you idiots think mature hairlines are formed? Thick hairs don't just fall out and not grow back, they obviously fall out to the process of DHT starting to be converted from Testosterone as you start to become an adult. Of course there are some guys that never develop past a juvenile hairline but this literally happens to about 1% of men. Also 80% of men that are of european descent will experience some degree of noticeable hair loss in their life.

To summarize: Having a receding hairline at a young age does not mean you will be bald in the next 15 years. You should only be worried if you experience diffused thinning and/or thinning at the crown at a young age.


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I was watching Escape from Alcatraz yesterday and I couldn't help but notice that Clint Eastwood has kept the same receded hair line until he was in his 70's.


That raises an interesting question: how many finasteride users that would have had their hair loss just stop naturally claim that they have kept their hair thanks to the drug?

A lot in my opinion. You can see the difference with people who have strong hair loss genetics and are clearly destined to go bald aggressively. Usually, finasteride doesn't even work for them.

There are users who freak out when they develop a NW2 even when they know they have no one above NW2.5 in their family. So they hop on finasteride, and 10 years later, they claim the drug did wonders for them.

I think it can give a lot of false hope to young hair loss sufferers who have way crappier hair loss genetics.

A lot of how you respond, and how gracefully you bald has to do with DHT production, and scalp androgen sensitivity.


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Of course NW1 doesn't mean straight hairline, only a few people have that. I've read somewhere that 98% have recession like triangle around your temple points. Once that recession becomes vertical, you're likely to be going bald. Chances are against you, if you look at older men, most of them have hair loss. Most will not go NW7 bald, but that doesn't mean whey won't get visibly worse and unhappy with their hair. We just don't yet where the hair loss stops.

Finasteride was proven to work by comparing hair counts over multiple years with placebo patients. This has been showed some in multiple articles from different sources. They knew lowering DHT will slow baldness way before they made finasteride. It wasn't by accident or to scam you.

I think people underestimating their hair loss are way more frequent than people thinking they are going bald when they aren't. And Propecia is prescription only, you have to have a conversation with a doctor first. I have a hard time imaging someone with a hairline like Justin Bieber will get a prescription from a doctor.


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Males hairlines generally are different because they have bigger and wider skulls, almost all adult males have curved hairlines with recession at temples. If you have thinning behind ,ya your screwed though.




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Of course NW1 doesn't mean straight hairline, only a few people have that. I've read somewhere that 98% have recession like triangle around your temple points. Once that recession becomes vertical, you're likely to be going bald. Chances are against you, if you look at older men, most of them have hair loss. Most will not go NW7 bald, but that doesn't mean whey won't get visibly worse and unhappy with their hair. We just don't yet where the hair loss stops.

Finasteride was proven to work by comparing hair counts over multiple years with placebo patients. This has been showed some in multiple articles from different sources. They knew lowering DHT will slow baldness way before they made finasteride. It wasn't by accident or to scam you.

I think people underestimating their hair loss are way more frequent than people thinking they are going bald when they aren't. And Propecia is prescription only, you have to have a conversation with a doctor first. I have a hard time imaging someone with a hairline like Justin Bieber will get a prescription from a doctor.

Okay, so still you agree that recession at the hairline is a natural part of getting older and being an adult. Losing ones hair is a natural process that happens to almost every male. Just because you are unhappy with how your hair looks does not mean you should get on a drug which screws with your hormones. Many people think that the only risk of taking the drug is that you might get decreased libido or erectile dysfunction. THIS IS NOT TRUE!!!! Although finasteride is used by men with enlarged prostates to prevent some forms of prostate cancer it actually increases the chances of getting the most lethal type of prostate cancer by men who did not have an enlarged prostate by 27%!! There have been absolutely no long term studies done on young men who use finasteride, I'm talking guys who have used it from a young age and are now in their mid 30's to 40's. We do not know the long term dangers of this drug and of course doctors are eager to prescribe it because that's how they make money. I suspect there are many users on this forum that are actually the pharmaceutical companies encouraging young men to start on a drug that they will have to take as long as they want hair.


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Okay, so still you agree that recession at the hairline is a natural part of getting older and being an adult. Losing ones hair is a natural process that happens to almost every male. Just because you are unhappy with how your hair looks does not mean you should get on a drug which screws with your hormones. Many people think that the only risk of taking the drug is that you might get decreased libido or erectile dysfunction. THIS IS NOT TRUE!!!! Although finasteride is used by men with enlarged prostates to prevent some forms of prostate cancer it actually increases the chances of getting the most lethal type of prostate cancer by men who did not have an enlarged prostate by 27%!! There have been absolutely no long term studies done on young men who use finasteride, I'm talking guys who have used it from a young age and are now in their mid 30's to 40's. We do not know the long term dangers of this drug and of course doctors are eager to prescribe it because that's how they make money. I suspect there are many users on this forum that are actually the pharmaceutical companies encouraging young men to start on a drug that they will have to take as long as they want hair.

Here we go...


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If you have less hair than a woman at the same age your balding. Everyone sees this differently. To me if you dont have justin beiber hair then your balding unless your hair was always like that. To me there is no age thinning, or whatever people call it. Even if your hairline changes as you age than I guess you went a little bald verses a lot its still hair loss unless its completely unnoticeable.


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If you have less hair than a woman at the same age your balding. Everyone sees this differently. To me if you dont have justin beiber hair then your balding unless your hair was always like that. To me there is no age thinning, or whatever people call it. Even if your hairline changes as you age than I guess you went a little bald verses a lot its still hair loss unless its completely unnoticeable.


So much stupid in one post, I don't even no where to start.


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If you have less hair than a woman at the same age your balding. Everyone sees this differently. To me if you dont have justin beiber hair then your balding unless your hair was always like that. To me there is no age thinning, or whatever people call it. Even if your hairline changes as you age than I guess you went a little bald verses a lot its still hair loss unless its completely unnoticeable.
That is so ****ing stupid. What 60 year old man has a justin bieber hairline? Only 60% of men are suffering male pattern baldness by age 60. So either the statistics are wrong or you're wrong (hint: you're wrong)