You can still pick up hot chicks with hairloss. Read y


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Hi Guys,

I have seen a lots of posts about guys with low confidence, think they cant pick up girls with hairloss etc etc.

I want to post a different perspective it can be done :)

Well I am 24 years old and been battling hairloss since 20. I might have I have had some of the best regrowth ever over the last couple of months but thats another story.

I just wanted to make the point that even though I am suffering hairloss and it can be seen although somewhat hidden girls dont really care as long as you also take pride in your appearance.

In my younger years I thought I was majorly fucked with my hair falling at a young age and I would not be able to attract females. I went out so worries about my hair, no confidence and not thinking about the rest of my looks I didnt do well with the girls.. But thinks have changed :)

I am an average bloke and was quite a geek in my younger years. Over the last 3 years I wanted to make my appearance better and increase confidence. I have lernt to surf, goto gym, train in muay thai. This as helped heaps with my body shape and confidence. Looking healthy/sporty and confident majority of girls find attractive. They wont care about your hairloss

I also goto the solarium, pluck my eyebrows, wax excess hair, whiten my teeth, moisturize, cleanse, exfoliate etc. Now as gay as all this sounds it is important and lots of blokes do it but dont mention it.

Now I am at the stage that almost every time I go out I can pick up girls. Now one in every 5 have honestly commented on my hairloss either drunk or the next day :p

They say is your hair falling out? I tell them yeah it is but I take some medication and it should not fall out anymore but probably wont grow new hair. All the chicks have been cool, fair enough !

My whole point is hairloss is not the end of the world. Girls are not bothered by it aslong as you put effort in other departments.

If you want to see pics of my hairloss, what I look like etc just ask. If you need tips on how to change your body/confidence/looks just ask :)


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This is not a thread trying to show of I can attract girls. I was almost not going to do the post.

I just wanted people to know there is more to things then hairloss, you can change what you look like and who you are. Hairloss should be a very small aspect of life! I woke up and changed my life around.. hope some other people get the idea :)


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messm0rph said:
Hi Guys,

I have seen a lots of posts about guys with low confidence, think they cant pick up girls with hairloss etc etc.

I want to post a different perspective it can be done :)

Well I am 24 years old and been battling hairloss since 20. I might have I have had some of the best regrowth ever over the last couple of months but thats another story.

I just wanted to make the point that even though I am suffering hairloss and it can be seen although somewhat hidden girls dont really care as long as you also take pride in your appearance.

In my younger years I thought I was majorly f***ed with my hair falling at a young age and I would not be able to attract females. I went out so worries about my hair, no confidence and not thinking about the rest of my looks I didnt do well with the girls.. But thinks have changed :)

I am an average bloke and was quite a geek in my younger years. Over the last 3 years I wanted to make my appearance better and increase confidence. I have lernt to surf, goto gym, train in muay thai. This as helped heaps with my body shape and confidence. Looking healthy/sporty and confident majority of girls find attractive. They wont care about your hairloss

I also goto the solarium, pluck my eyebrows, wax excess hair, whiten my teeth, moisturize, cleanse, exfoliate etc. Now as gay as all this sounds it is important and lots of blokes do it but dont mention it.

Now I am at the stage that almost every time I go out I can pick up girls. Now one in every 5 have honestly commented on my hairloss either drunk or the next day :p

They say is your hair falling out? I tell them yeah it is but I take some medication and it should not fall out anymore but probably wont grow new hair. All the chicks have been cool, fair enough !

My whole point is hairloss is not the end of the world. Girls are not bothered by it aslong as you put effort in other departments.

If you want to see pics of my hairloss, what I look like etc just ask. If you need tips on how to change your body/confidence/looks just ask :)

AGREEEEEEEEE WITH YOU most people cover there heads with hats and have very low self esteem


can u post picss bro


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I used to work with a guy who was a NW5 and getting laid every weekend...with a different woman. He just had confidence and didn't give a rat's *** about his head.


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A receiting hairline I think helps out with the ladies


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A NW2 doesn't count as receding to most women, I don't believe. I think most see it as manly. A NW1 is on par with having a soft baby face. Looking like a teenager is not necessarily ideal.


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I agree with the posts above. I just like to add something.
Buzzzz or shave it all of. It really helps to deal with it.
You may fool some people with the way you comb your hair but as long as you can't convince yourself that it looks good then you will be insecure and girls smell that from a distance.

Face the fact that you will not regrow your hair like you want it to be. The sooner you accept that, the sooner you can stop worrying and start living again.

I'll admit, it took me some time, but now I can truly say I couldn't care less when somebody mentions my hair or the lack of it.
In dating it helps to be the first to come up with the topic. Just say to the girl that her hair looks so beautiful and she will surrender to you, I promise. (Just don't add that you wish your hair would be like hers cause then you spoil it all. Don't show weakness.)



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Yeh I know a guy who's 24 and slick. He's also not got an ideal shaped head for the look. However, his personality and confident lead him to pulling 14 girls in two weeks during a fresher's fortnight. True story.


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Okay guys, I have one important question. I have a really good shaped head, facial structure, etc. I have shaved my head in the past and have been complemented by a few girls on it. HOWEVER, it ONLY looks good when I have a TAN!!!

I don't know if anyone here is familiar with this type of thing, but I am strawberry blond, which means that I am not naturally tan (in fact, I am pretty pale in the winter). But my skin tone is not nearly as bad a full-blown red head. I have some natural color, do not freckle like they do, and can achieve a fairly decent looking tan (but it seems to take a lot of work, and I have to be careful b/c I will burn).

The point is, the only way I could successfully pull off the bald look is to have a good tan on my head/face. It looks horrible (especially right after shaving) with all the paleness. I have been teased by friends that I look like a "chemo paitient" and "Powder".

This has been a major problem because I don't want to go to a tanning bed (not healthy) and can't stand rubbing greasy self-tanning lotion on my head face. DOES ANYONE KNOW OF A SOLUTION TO THIS???


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Move to Florida?

I find it odd most of these guys talking about losing hair in college and still getting girls are English. I actually got my BFA studying in England and found English college(Uni) girls super immature and they took absolutely no interest in me. Actually English girls from my uni were borderline retarded. However the European girls especially Central/Eastern ones didn't seem to mind hair loss at all and many had bald/balding boyfriends. American girls are somewhere in between.

I've mentioned it a few times here. Every single day I see a bald guy in his 20s on the subway on my way to work or wherever with an extremely attractive girlfriend. A few of them didn't even dress well or seem particularly interesting from the little of their conversation I happened to overhear. So I agree it all comes down to confidence, which unfortunately I lack and even when I was younger NEVER approached girls and so almost every girlfriend I've had has approached me first. If I would have had the confidence to approach girls I probably would have had much better girlfriends. :mrgreen:


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My Regimen
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dudemon said:
I see this happen in the gym. I've talked to a few bald bodybuilder head-shaver guys in the gym who have it all going on besides their hair. They would confirm what I am saying here. There are some extremely HOT women in the gym I go to, and they DO reject bald bodybuilder guys for no other reason except for the fact that the guy is bald. I'm not making this up! Not that those guys can't get hot women, it's just that they can't get ANY hot woman that they want - or ANY woman they want period. Nothing else matters to some women, they HATE bald guys. Pretending this isn't true will not change anything - some women will still hate bald guys no matter what.

Are you serious? Does it get any more shallow than this? Eekk, my life is ruined because haven't you heard, some girls don't like bald guys :freaked2: .

NEWSFLASH: No one gan get any woman they want.


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cleverusername said:
Move to Florida?

I find it odd most of these guys talking about losing hair in college and still getting girls are English. I actually got my BFA studying in England and found English college(Uni) girls super immature and they took absolutely no interest in me. Actually English girls from my uni were borderline retarded. However the European girls especially Central/Eastern ones didn't seem to mind hair loss at all and many had bald/balding boyfriends. American girls are somewhere in between.

English student girls do tend to be immature, but I noticed the balding guys picked up as many girls as the rest if they did everything else properly. It doesn't seem to bother them as much as you've made out. I've also noticed girls aren't good at spotting early balding (Unless at the crown and clear).


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A survey I read in The Metro done in UK was about what puts women off men

Statistics where

9 out of 10 put off if they smelt bad
8/10 Non assertive and unconfident
6/10 Arrogant
5/10 Vain
4/10 Ugly but good personality
2/10 Bald

Ok so you may score 20% less birds, no big deal.


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cleverusername said:
Move to Florida?

I find it odd most of these guys talking about losing hair in college and still getting girls are English. I actually got my BFA studying in England and found English college(Uni) girls super immature and they took absolutely no interest in me. Actually English girls from my uni were borderline retarded. However the European girls especially Central/Eastern ones didn't seem to mind hair loss at all and many had bald/balding boyfriends. American girls are somewhere in between.

English student girls do tend to be immature, but I noticed the balding guys picked up as many girls as the rest if they did everything else properly. It doesn't seem to bother them as much as you've made out. I've also noticed girls aren't good at spotting early balding (Unless at the crown and clear).[/quote]

I lived there for a year I'm not exaggerating what I experienced. Have you spent a lengthy period of time in America or elsewhere to make the comparison I'm making? I didn't see a single English girl who was a student with a balding guy my entire time living there and I went out nearly every night. They would ask me how old I was grossed out and wanted nothing to do with me. I had one experience walking in the hall where two of these girls who had asked how old I was were walking by and one pushed her friend into me and her friend screamed and they started laughing. English girls are f*****g stupid compared to other countries.


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Do you guys really think a girl will care if your a NW5 but have slick abs, tanned buff body, take care of your looks. I dont think a girl is going to go ohh but look he has lost half his hair

Yes some girls dont like bald but they also still make exceptions if you take pride in your apperance.

Anyway I have had a few PM's I will get back to you all shortly.


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messm0rph said:
. I have lernt to surf, goto gym, train in muay thai. This as helped heaps with my body shape and confidence. Looking healthy/sporty and confident majority of girls find attractive. They wont care about your hairloss

I also goto the solarium, pluck my eyebrows, wax excess hair, whiten my teeth, moisturize, cleanse, exfoliate etc. Now as gay as all this sounds it is important and lots of blokes do it but dont mention it.


.....I don't do all the stuff you have mentioned....but still I don't have problems with getting chicks...even dough I have some small belly, not in perfect shape, don't have smooth baby skin without hairs, I don't have some ultra black ten either.
And yes..your does sound very gay.

uncomfortable man

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I can't help but agree with the dude on this one. A bald guy being able to score a hot chick is such a long shot. You would have to be better than perfect in every other category to even have a chance and even then there are no guarantees. It is hard enough as it is to win over a hot chick considering how utterly superficial they are and how unrealistic their expectations are, but try stepping to a hot girl with an NW5 and get ready to crash and burn. Like the dude said, there a definitely girls out there who HATE bald guys, just like there are guys who hate fat chicks and there is just simply nothing that can be done about it. I think when it comes to men's hairloss there are two types of women; the brutally honest ones and the ones who are just being "nice".
Let's just say for arguments sake that an nw6 scored a hot girl as a girlfriend. You are going to have to deal with almost everyone (especially her girlfriends) thinking that she is too good for you. You will also have to worry about endless better looking nw1's hitting on her because they don't take you seriously and believe that because you are bald that you don't deserve her. Oh, and also worry about her seeing other guys on the side. Now does all of that seem worth it for a hot chick?


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I'm sorry, I know I was the one complaining earlier, but Dudemon - you've got to come out of this doom and gloom mentality buddy. You make it sound much more depressing than it actually is. Truth of the matter is, like the other guy said, that no one can have ANY girl they want. That is a fact that applies to every man on this earth!

Let's face it - what we are really dealing with here are percentages. We know that this hairloss thing cramps our style and forecloses a certain percentage of women from our menu. And for some reason, we automatically assume those are the women that we actually want (whether based on attractiveness or personality). This is simply not not always the case.

The problem we are faced with is that we don't have any sure-fire way of filtering out that percentage of women that would reject us due to either hairloss alone (which is a relatively small percentage - depending on the girls age, maturity, etc.), or because our hairloss has an adverse effect on our abilities "at the margin" (that is, depending on what else we have going for us, we never know if the hairloss factor had that marginal, but critical damaging effect). This is really what we are all worried about, right?

However, I will say what the other poster did: CONFIDENCE trumps everything (second only to basic sanitation). When I refer to "confidence," I mean the whole package - clothes/style, attitude/personality, etc. You have to get out and show that you have value to these women. That is what they do to us - just in a different way (we think with penis). Believe it or not, women (no matter how shallow) must be stimulated MENTALLY. And no matter how hot or shallow they are, this involves triggering certain receptors in their brain. Those "receptors" are not really not geared toward sex itself like ours are. They are geared toward survivability - in today's world, this means having a high social status/value. Thus, your appearance only matters to the extent that it reflects your ability to "survive" (i.e., how much pull you have with others around you, including other women). Which brings me to my next point:

Lastly, if you are going to waste your money on prostitutes, I suggest you stop using them for sex and save your money for a high-end escort. What you can do with this escort is tell her that you need her to be your "pawn" for a night. That is, you want to "show-case" her around for an evening at some popular places (those you want to be your venue) and that you want her to act like you are together and that she is genuinely into you. Of course, depending on the places you take her, you will have determine what is the proper attire and behavior for her. Use common sense in selecting and advising her. And as for you, it will not matter if, for example, she is a solid "9" and you are a straggly "4", dress the part and show some attitude and no one (strangers) will even question the matchup. You could do this once or twice and the "regulars" at those places would see you as someone with a lot to offer. Just make sure you continue to display the same level of confidence.

Whatever you decide, you need to cheer up and get out there and do something! Best wishes.


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uncomfortable man said:
I can't help but agree with the dude on this one. A bald guy being able to score a hot chick is such a long shot. You would have to be better than perfect in every other category to even have a chance and even then there are no guarantees. It is hard enough as it is to win over a hot chick considering how utterly superficial they are and how unrealistic their expectations are, but try stepping to a hot girl with an NW5 and get ready to crash and burn. Like the dude said, there a definitely girls out there who HATE bald guys, just like there are guys who hate fat chicks and there is just simply nothing that can be done about it. I think when it comes to men's hairloss there are two types of women; the brutally honest ones and the ones who are just being "nice".

Lets be real being bald is going to handicap you in a pick up situation, but there are still plenty of bald guys with hot wives/girlfreinds.
Yes maybe its 50% harder/less likely for a bald guy to score a hot girl but its not impossible. I know not only a bald guy but also a fat guy who both have hot girlfreinds. Although they're obviously important its not 100% about looks.

UCman said:
Let's just say for arguments sake that an nw6 scored a hot girl as a girlfriend. You are going to have to deal with almost everyone (especially her girlfriends) thinking that she is too good for you. You will also have to worry about endless better looking nw1's hitting on her because they don't take you seriously and believe that because you are bald that you don't deserve her. Oh, and also worry about her seeing other guys on the side. Now does all of that seem worth it for a hot chick?
This is CCS mentality, she would'nt be with you in the first place if she wanted someone better. If a girl is going to think so little of you that she'll cheat on you it wont be about your hair. NW1's get cheated on just as much as bald guys.