You can get 30 Finasteride 5mg tablets for $9 at Walmart now


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finfighter said:
Well, Wal-Mart just added Finasteride 5mg to their $4 generics program, which meens that you can by 30 finasteride 5mg tablets for only 9$, that's a 120 day supply if your cutting them to 1.25mg per day! And if you take .5 MG that's a 300 day supply for $9! Just thought that I would share the info with you guys!

No need to even use insurance anymore at those prices

I pay $20 for 90 pills

I can't believe people are still paying $1200 a year for real propecia,


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this'd be awesome if us brits had anything like it. but the nhs doesnt prescribe proscar according to my GP and urmmm,, we don't have walmart.


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Actually I've seen nobody else post this but in the UK it is possible to get a prescription for 5mg Finasteride which is non-branded & cheap.

I paid £5.99 for 28 pills from my local pharmacy (which quartered will tide me over for 4 months).

Was previously on Propecia for 2 months, paying ~£50 per month, so I was overjoyed with the saving. All I did was ask my pharmacist how much the 5mg would cost and then next time I saw my doctor I mentioned the massive price difference, asked if I could be prescribed that instead and cut up my pills. The doctor checked with a colleague but both were totally fine with it.

My advice to Brits is don't order finasteride off the internet, see your GP and ASK and it's highly likely you can get legit stuff cheaply from your local pharmacy.


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finfighter said:
Well, Wal-Mart just added Finasteride 5mg to their $4 generics program, which meens that you can by 30 finasteride 5mg tablets for only 9$, that's a 120 day supply if your cutting them to 1.25mg per day! And if you take .5 MG that's a 300 day supply for $9! Just thought that I would share the info with you guys!

That's what I said a couple of days ago in my Thread.


TheGrayMan2001 said:
Do you still have to go get a prescription? I might go get one. I think that's cheaper than using inhouse.

Yes, just go to and get one, then go to WM and get your stuff.

Mr. P

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Great timing. I'm almost out of my batch of Fincar from overseas. I want peace of mind that what I'm taking is absolutely legit, so I scheduled an appointment to get a prescription for generic finasteride. Came on here to make sure I had the right name and I saw this thread. Got the prescription yesterday, went to Wal-Mart and success! What a money-saver.


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hairhoper said:
Actually I've seen nobody else post this but in the UK it is possible to get a prescription for 5mg Finasteride which is non-branded & cheap.

I paid £5.99 for 28 pills from my local pharmacy (which quartered will tide me over for 4 months).

Was previously on Propecia for 2 months, paying ~£50 per month, so I was overjoyed with the saving. All I did was ask my pharmacist how much the 5mg would cost and then next time I saw my doctor I mentioned the massive price difference, asked if I could be prescribed that instead and cut up my pills. The doctor checked with a colleague but both were totally fine with it.

My advice to Brits is don't order finasteride off the internet, see your GP and ASK and it's highly likely you can get legit stuff cheaply from your local pharmacy.
holy sh*t are you serious? i have one of those stern matronly style GPs who doesn't really do bedside manner and all that so after about 10 minutes of being told off by her for various things, i popped the question about finasteride and she prescribed me branded propecia. so obviously i asked for generic and she said they didn't do that on the NHS?

do you - i mean - man, what exactly did you do to get these pills? did you ask in the pharmacy first or what? and do they have a name of any kind or is it just marked as finasteride? i wanna know exactly what to ask for when i next pluck up the courage to go see my GP.


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finfighter said:
Well, Wal-Mart just added Finasteride 5mg to their $4 generics program, which meens that you can by 30 finasteride 5mg tablets for only 9$, that's a 120 day supply if your cutting them to 1.25mg per day! And if you take .5 MG that's a 300 day supply for $9! Just thought that I would share the info with you guys!

I don't understand...If the generic is $4 per month supply, isn't that about 8 pills (30/4=7.5)? Where does the 30 pills for $9 figure come from?

Also, when I type in "Proscar" on the Walmart pharmacy page it says: "There is no generic alternative in Walmart's Prescription Drug Program available."
Did they discontinue it?



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Cassin said:
baffles me why people would order this stuff off the internet.

You say this a lot, but remember we are not all from the US and therefore cannot get it at the low prices you do!


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Goatboxer said:
Cassin said:
baffles me why people would order this stuff off the internet.

You say this a lot, but remember we are not all from the US and therefore cannot get it at the low prices you do!

Yes of course...common sense qualifier "If you live in the USA"...I think people get that especially since I have made that qualifying statement countless times.


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Cassin said:
Goatboxer said:
Cassin said:
baffles me why people would order this stuff off the internet.

You say this a lot, but remember we are not all from the US and therefore cannot get it at the low prices you do!

Yes of course...common sense qualifier "If you live in the USA"...I think people get that especially since I have made that qualifying statement countless times.

I would like to be able to just get proscar but, i've started on a .5mg dose (just started finasteride last week) and i'd like to see if i get any side effects before jumping all the way up to 1.25mg. So unfortunately for now..since i dont trust online pharms...i have to pay a shitload of money for propecia and split it in half


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Chris87 said:
I would like to be able to just get proscar but, i've started on a .5mg dose (just started finasteride last week) and i'd like to see if i get any side effects before jumping all the way up to 1.25mg. So unfortunately for now..since i dont trust online pharms...i have to pay a shitload of money for propecia and split it in half

Nobody said you have to jump to 1.25 to use proscar.


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Cassin said:
Chris87 said:
I would like to be able to just get proscar but, i've started on a .5mg dose (just started finasteride last week) and i'd like to see if i get any side effects before jumping all the way up to 1.25mg. So unfortunately for now..since i dont trust online pharms...i have to pay a shitload of money for propecia and split it in half

Nobody said you have to jump to 1.25 to use proscar.

but wouldnt it be pretty impossible to cut it THAT small (to .5)? I saw a video of a guy cutting it into 1.25 and the pieces looked TINY. Other people have suggested crushing it and then dividing the powder into equal piles and taking it that way rather just stick to popping pills..easier..less time consuming


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Thats great but the big problem is no real doctor is going to prescribe proscar to some 25 year old kid for off label use of hair loss. I asked my dermatologist and he said he could lose his license and liability for prescribing me proscar instead of propecia. The prescription is the hard to get part most doctors do not just give that out like candy.


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abcdefg said:
Thats great but the big problem is no real doctor is going to prescribe proscar to some 25 year old kid for off label use of hair loss. I asked my dermatologist and he said he could lose his license and liability for prescribing me proscar instead of propecia. The prescription is the hard to get part most doctors do not just give that out like candy.

guess it depends on who you go to/where you live. I went to Dr Paul McAndrews for my evaluation for finasteride and he gave me a choice between proscar and propecia. He was like "Well, i can give you a prescription for propecia, or proscar..whatever you tell me" Even offered to call in a prescription if i ever wanted to switch.

McAndrews is a very well known hair transplant doctor with a good reputation and has offices in Beverly Hills and Pasadena and he didnt even bring up there being a worry about prescribing proscar so...i dont know why any small time derm would be all against it.

Its possible that he makes more money if he gives you a prescription for propecia, so he'll tell you he cant do proscar so that you'll settle for propecia

EDIT: Im 23 btw and was offered maybe go and see someone who specializes in hair loss or hair transplants and they'll be more sympathetic and used to prescribing proscar


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Yeah I guess. Its hard to see a doctor when I am at work all day. Also my hair loss is not that noticeable and not a big family history of it so doctors seem to brush it off. What do you say is the reason for a doctors visit to get a prescription for proscar for hairloss? I want to see the doctor about losing hair?