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Has anyone of you ever tried Yoga ..??? its one of the best way for gaining spiritual fitness as well as for body fitness. Its quite helpful for muscle strength


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Yoga is for women. Nothing like hard work outside, on the sun can lift your spirit and gain muscles.


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Yoga is not for women only.
If you ever tried one of the more intense forms of it (similar to chigong) it strengthens you enormously. Muscle growth may not be as rapid as weight lifting/body weight exercises but it strengthens your tendons simultaneously, balance also improves and mental clarity.
Guys 3 times my size cannot do some of the leg exercises (and not due to a lack of flexibility) I practise for even 2 minutes. It's definitely worth trying out - you might even be able to find a very manly teacher if that's your thing. xD


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Yoga is for women. Nothing like hard work outside, on the sun can lift your spirit and gain muscles.

Ya screw this guy. I have one of the more masculine builds and I prefer yoga as my main workout. When I started losing my hair, I didn't want to fit into the buff and bald stereotype. I like my ectomorph body type of long, lean muscles with good balance of flexibility and strength. Yoga will really relieve stress associated with hairloss, but the main effect is spinal decompression and alignment. I have great posture from doing it and a great stride. Now hairloss doesn't bother me too much and I have a body type that can do well in any type of activity.


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I think yoga is a bunch of crap, and the people I know who practice yoga are ironically the complete opposite of what it attempts to enforce. A "spiritual" bogus if you ask me.


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Physiological Benefits of Yoga

* Stable autonomic nervous system equilibrium
* Pulse rate decreases
* Respiratory rate decreases
* Blood Pressure decreases (of special significance for hyporeactors)
* Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) increases
* EEG - alpha waves increase (theta, delta, and beta waves also increase during various stages of meditation)
* EMG activity decreases
* Cardiovascular efficiency increases
* Respiratory efficiency increases
* Gastrointestinal function normalizes
* Endocrine function normalizes
* Excretory functions improve
* Musculoskeletal flexibility and joint range of motion increase
* Breath-holding time increases
* Joint range of motion increase
* Grip strength increases
* Eye-hand coordination improves
* Dexterity skills improve
* Reaction time improves
* Posture improves
* Strength and resiliency increase
* Endurance increases
* Energy level increases
* Weight normalizes
* Sleep improves
* Immunity increases
* Pain decreases
* Steadiness improves
* Depth perception improves
* Balance improves
* Integrated functioning of body parts improves

Psychological Benefits of Yoga

* Somatic and kinesthetic awareness increase
* Mood improves and subjective well-being increases
* Self-acceptance and self-actualization increase
* Social adjustment increases
* Anxiety and Depression decrease
* Hostility decreases
* Concentration improves
* Memory improves
* Attention improves
* Learning efficiency improves
* Mood improves
* Self-actualization increase
* Social skills increases
* Well-being increases
* Somatic and kinesthetic awareness increase
* Self-acceptance increase
* Attention improves
* Concentration improves
* Memory improves
* Learning efficiency improves
* Symbol coding improves
* Depth perception improves
* Flicker fusion frequency improves

Biochemical Benefits of Yoga

* Glucose decreases
* Sodium decreases
* Total cholesterol decreases
* Triglycerides decrease
* HDL cholesterol increases
* LDL cholesterol decreases
* VLDL cholesterol decreases
* Cholinesterase increases
* Catecholamines decrease
* ATPase increases
* Hematocrit increases
* Hemoglobin increases
* Lymphocyte count increases
* Total white blood cell count decreases
* Thyroxin increases
* Vitamin C increases
* Total serum protein increases

Yoga Health Benefits versus Exercise Benefits

Yoga versus Exercise

* Yoga Benefits
o Parasympathetic Nervous System dominates
o Subcortical regions of brain dominate
o Slow dynamic and static movements
o Normalization of muscle tone
o Low risk of injuring muscles and ligaments
o Low caloric consumption
o Effort is minimized, relaxed
o Energizing (breathing is natural or controlled)
o Balanced activity of opposing muscle groups
o Noncompetitive, process-oriented
o Awareness is internal (focus is on breath and the infinite)
o Limitless possibilities for growth in self-awareness

* Exercise Benefits
o Sympathetic Nervous System dominates
o Cortical regions of brain dominate
o Rapid forceful movements
o Increased muscle tension
o Higher risk of injury
o Moderate to high caloric consumption
o Effort is maximized
o Fatiguing (breathing is taxed)
o Imbalance activity of opposing groups
o Competitive, goal-oriented
o Awareness is external (focus is on reaching the toes, reaching the finish line, etc.)
o Boredom factor

Hope this Helps!


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Yes, I completely agreed with you that yoga is one of the best ways of gaining spiritual fitness as well as for body fitness. It improves memory as well as attention. Yoga will really reduce stress associated with hair loss.


Established Member
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Has anyone of you ever tried Yoga ..??? its one of the best way for gaining spiritual fitness as well as for body fitness. Its quite helpful for muscle strength

Yeah Yoga is great. I generally go with a pretty mellow session helps distress from a busy week.


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Everyone should yoga every day. It is Enhances Personal power,Removes negative blocks from the mind and toxins from the body, Increases self-awareness, yoga helps in controlling an individual mind and body.

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Have you ever heard about chopping wood? Great exercise to get athletic and finding your balance with nature.

No just kidding. Yoga is really some great stuff and unfortunately too associated with women. It is the best way to get better control of your body.


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Doing yoga and meditation to restrict hair loss will not only give you healthy hair, but also benefit your whole system. Yoga improves your health physically and mentally. Yoga will help enhance circulation of blood, improve digestion and stress too. Yoga is technique which helps people to keep peaceful and stress free mind.


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Yoga is not just for woman. I do it at least once a week and it has improve my flexibility and balance. I also find that doing it makes some of my other workouts easier to do.


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Yes, it's silly for people to choose between Yoga or more traditional muscle-building exercises. They really do well to compliment each other. As mentioned before, Yoga is incredible for spine alignment, as well as activating and stretching most muscles throughout your body.

That said, I have a few issues with the Yoga community. The most harmful aspect of it is this culture of worshiping these Yoga "gurus" that hyper-extend and overstretch certain body parts in ways that can absolutely cause permanent structural damage over time. The other is the intolerable level of pseudoscience and sense of self-righteousness often found in this new-age community.

Otherwise, I love yoga.


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Weight loss - Many of them want to reduce their body weight. Yoga helps to reduce the body weight; with regular practice of yoga we tend to become more sensitive to the kind of food our body asks.

Improve digestive system - Digestion is the most important things in our human body. Yoga help to produce more energy to our body through improve our digestive system.

Make a peaceful mind - Human beings wanted to live a peaceful life in their heart and mind. Doing everyday Yoga is the one of the best ways to calm a disturbed mind.

Save time and money – Yoga is very good to saves our time and money. We need not to waste our time for traveling to gym and we need not to spend more money for yoga. Totally yoga saves all our troubles.

Increased energy – Today people shuttling between multiple tasks through the day can sometimes be quite exhausting. Daily a little minutes of yoga provides the secret to feeling fresh and energetic even after a long day.


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Yoga, love it. Best to add this to your morning regime to have a health start into the day. Take it as a replacement for coffee and you body will thank you.