Ya405's Story


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hey guys my story is really sad. I had a fully head of hair 2 yrs ago at the age of 23, by know at the age of 25 i lost most of it specially at the crown area.
at first i started with revivogen- total junk really doesn't work, than I started minoxidil once a day for 4 months i felt like my hair did get better but than i started to have severe dark circles around my eyes and than i just stopped the treatment. than i used the laser com for 9 months ....no affect. I really dont know what to do at this stage, im really afraid to take any medications systemically. may be u guys know what should i do, or how to reduce the dark circles from minoxidil and ill get back on this. i really need ur opinion. pls let me know if anyone was at a similar situation.


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Re: lost so much w/n 2 yrs

Im sorry to hear you havent been successful, as for dark circles, there is a thread on here somewhere that someone has posted they got rid of this problem, unfortunately i cant remember its name only that they got it from amazon.com


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Re: lost so much w/n 2 yrs

You need:


Stop using the laser clomb

If you're getting dark circles, use less of it.


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Re: lost so much w/n 2 yrs

thank u for ur responses, i did start minoxidil once a day at night bf slp. I'm thinking about PRP treatment with dr feller.

Did any of you tried it before ?


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Re: lost so much w/n 2 yrs

you dont need a transplant mate.

get on minoxidil twice a day, it workd very well around the crown area.

good luck


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Re: lost so much w/n 2 yrs

Ive never seen much evidence that PRP is successful. If I were you I would go see a Doctor and get a prescription for finasteride.


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Re: lost so much w/n 2 yrs

Why are you afraid of Propecia/finasteride? Have you been reading the propeciahelp forums!? *tsk tsk*. You know, my cousin is severely allergic to peanuts, but I'm not. Not everyone is the same, not everyone will get sides.

I've been on it for 3 years. It's slowed my hairloss to a crawl, and I've suffered no noticeable sides.


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do u think minoxidil is sufficient enough or not !

ill go to my Doctor and get a presc for finasteride. i think ill give it a chance.


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Re: lost so much w/n 2 yrs

finfighter said:
Do you still get morning erections every day?

As in, do I wake up with a raging hard-on every morning? No. But, I never did before I started taking finasteride. I still get morning wood on occasion, and (as far as I can tell) have never had a problem getting it up.


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I imagine that everyone is different. I never had that happen with regularity, even when I was in the 16-24 year old range (before propecia)