Wushockfan's Story


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Hello, I am a 31 year old Male who has been experiencing hair loss for over five years. My story goes like this. I was previously in the United States Navy from July 2001- July 2005; during my time there I had a full head of hair never cutting it bald, just short. In June 2006 a month after my 26th Birthday, I decided that wanted to cut all of my hair off and go compelty bald. Well as my hair started growing back I noticed these two small but noticeable bald spots in my hair towards the front close to the sides. Well all of my hair grew expect for those two bald spots. But being that I am a little self conscious about my appearance I was embarrassed so I started wearing hats whenever I could to hide the bald spots. I tried cutting my hair to see when it grew back the hair that used to be where the bald spots where it would grow back but it obviously it did not grow back. I was a regular Plasma donor so I could not buy any hair loss medicine because if I did I could not donate and I needed the money because I was going to school and the hours I was working at my job where less than 20-30 hours a week. Well one day in early 2008 my obession with those two small bald spots went too far. I went to the store and brought this thickening shampoo, hoping it would help the hair grow where I had the bald spots. Well one night I got a little stupid and decided that I was going to leave the shampoo on my hair during the night and sleep with it and the shampoo would absorb into the area where I had the bald sports and it would help the hair grow back. Well that was stupid because when I woke up I lost about thumbnail size of hair starting from my forehead. And since that has happened none of the hair has grown back. I do have a little hair up there but it is really thin. I brought some dermatch but it just made my hair look like paint and so I gave that up. I tried to use Mascara but that was worse because it would smug up and then my hair which is Black started to get lighter in color so I had to stop using that. Now it is 2011 and my hair loss has stopped but I still hate that fact that my hair is receding. So now I keep it really short or bald. My Girlfriend keeps telling me to stop obsessing over it but I can't. I know some people will tell me that my hair loss is not big deal but to me it is .Sorry if this was too long anyway that is my story.