would you be sad if your beard grew only in the classic shap


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Suppose all your beard hairs only grew in the classic beard shape. No holes. No neck stubble. No cheak stubble. You either shave it or let it grow, but you don't got to shape it.

Would you be said that you can't let a more rugged look grow out now and then? Would you feel like you can't express yourself since you always look groomed for everyone?

I wonder if being able to grow out a bit of neck hair now and then is a way to peacock manliness and confidence, whereas always being perfectly groomed is almost like trying to impress people.



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finfighter said:
Suppose all your pubic hairs only grew in the classic pubic mound shape. No holes. No ball stubble. No dick stubble. You either shave it or let it grow, but you don't got to shape it.

better than what I got. That reminds me I still need electrolysis on my sack and my shaft as well. I hope they don't charge extra for that location.

The Gardener

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CCS said:
That reminds me I still need electrolysis on my sack and my shaft as well. I hope they don't charge extra for that location.
That's not going to be pleasant.


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I don't particularly condone prostitution and paid sex, but why don't you save your money and get laid?


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I can scarcely grow a beard at all, so be thankful for that.


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CCS said:
That reminds me I still need electrolysis on my sack and my shaft as well. I hope they don't charge extra for that location.

You have to be joking, who does this...? ?


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How about a forked tongue?



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cuebald said:
I can scarcely grow a beard at all, so be thankful for that.

Well I got a cactus face, and unless I spend $2 per week on a new top end razor, I get razor rash or nicks. I have to shave really close and carefully for it to be smooth, or I don't think any woman would want me rubbing against her.

And when I grow my beard out, it is a bit patchy and irregular. If i want to shape it, that means places will be sharp.


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oni said:
How about a forked tongue?


She is showing off how deep she can take something. But unless she can take something with diameter, it does not matter.


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Jokerman said:
CCS said:
That reminds me I still need electrolysis on my sack and my shaft as well.

You're doing this why?

Because no man without a perfectly coifurred tackle ever got laid.
Get with the program Jokerman!! :roll:


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She is showing off how deep she can take something. But unless she can take something with diameter, it does not matter.

So, when are you having Alloderm inserted in your penis CCS?................................


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I'll take your extra beard hair CCS :whistle:


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Jokerman said:

"Dont worry CCS, with those unsightly pubes lazered off you'll soon be getting pussy galore" !!


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CCS you could look like a GQ model and you'd still never get a girl because they can just sense the utter weirdness that resonates from you. But you don't look like one, so your situation is worse.

Face it CCS, you're not going to get a beautiful woman. You need to start realising that good looking 20 year olds aren't going to go for a creepy 30 year old guy, especially one so vain as to get all of his hairs lasered off.

You're going to have to settle for a fattie. It doesn't matter that "you take care of yourself". You said it yourself, all of the good looking girls are just going to use you for money (you would basically be a "sugar daddy" to a 20 year old.)
You're going to need to start looking into the 200lbs+ category, or you'll be single throughout the next decade too.

Why would a good looking girl choose you when she can get a guy her own age? A guy who can enjoy his life without avoiding the sun all day because "it'll age my skin".

You're going to be in for a massive disappointment when you finally "re-enter" the dating scene and you find out that you're getting nowhere.


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cuebald said:
Why would a good looking girl choose you when she can get a guy her own age? A guy who can enjoy his life without avoiding the sun all day because "it'll age my skin".

Thats just the tip of the weirdness iceberg.

He'll up a 40 yr old virgin with $100,000's of surguries (like Jacko) still living in a student apartment still waiting for that 20 yr old hottie who'll give him sex without wanting so much as a free drink.

Bald Dave

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CCS, stop analizing everything and accept yourself for who you are! You've wasted too much time so just get out there and just accept that you are a 30 year old balding guy! Its not your looks thats the problem its your attitude :hump:


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CCS isn't bad looking. Just imagine all the vagaina he passed up in his life cause he is so look-obsessed. You probably could have gotten laid by a 100 different women if you would just relax.