Would The Average Person Consider This Balding?


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I also use nizoral, derma, and biotin, alot of hair is filling up those peaks just whispy right now. If it darkens and thickens more it be a NW2


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DAMN BRO your recovery has been insane, although it should be noted you look fantastic w/ shaved head + beard. I think I have similar balding to you, 21 y/o jewish dude with diffusing NW2.5-3. Was this all achieved with minoxidl + finasteride? Noticed any sides?
Someday i will have to go back to bald. Hopefully i can keep decent hair for 10 years.


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Someday i will have to go back to bald. Hopefully i can keep decent hair for 10 years.
Yep, me too. I just would like to have a fuller beard by the time I have to fully bic it. Do you have any sense of whether more of your regrowth occurred as a result of minoxidil or finasteride?


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Yep, me too. I just would like to have a fuller beard by the time I have to fully bic it. Do you have any sense of whether more of your regrowth occurred as a result of minoxidil or finasteride?
Id say 90 percent of it was those two. I also coincidently stop working out after 3 years at the same time. A drop in testosterone could have possibly helped. Ill find out when i start back up again next month if i start shedding.


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Belive me most people are so uneducated on hairloss. One time some girl I know said that her nw7 father is baldish...


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Eh if I see someone who is receding that is the same as balding to me. Your either going bald and have any visible thinning or you have perfect great hair. Its funny how everyone looks and judges hair loss so differently
So to me yes I see balding going on there with recession


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Looks like a normal set of hair for a male your age. Most people wouldn't register it as receding.


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Bald spot, heavy diffuse thinning or heavy recession people would consider balding.

Most people wouldn't register you as balding. Such a great result, you must be over the moon.


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you look normal to me. to other people you just look kinda masculine or "older" a bit.

how does your crown look bro


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I wouldn't consider you balding. And I have to agree with the gentlemen above, I think the buzz cut look would do you good. Not because how your hair is, simply because it looks to suit you.


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you look normal to me. to other people you just look kinda masculine or "older" a bit.

how does your crown look bro
That isnt to bad is it


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