Would Saw Palmetto be a good addition to my regimen ?


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I am wondering if Saw Palmetto (450 mg) once a day in the evening would be a good addition to my current regimen....

I am a norwood 2 with diffuse (mostly frontal middle and top)

My current regimen is

Propecia (morning )
Prox - N evening
Folligen - Evening
Omegas -
Fish oil - morning
Borage oil - Evening

Gree Tea - morning and evening
MSM, Multivitamins, Biotin - Evening
Soy products

Nizoral - 2 times a week
Scalp Exercises..

I am thinking since the half life of finas isnt as much it would help to take SP in the evening. Moreover, it also blocks both Type 1 and 2 . What do you think bout that ?..
I am going to look into Curcumin too...

Docj77, Micheal Barry ? anYone ?


finasteride still stays at a high 5ar inhibition level for more than a day, so if you take it every day you're fine. Others can chime in who know more, but from everything I've read saw palmetto is pretty useless at stopping hair loss. It can help with prostate problems though and so people see that and assume that since DHT plays a role in both, that SP can help with hair loss too. I don't think it can.


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"Anti-Androgenic Hair Growth Complex (Now Improved 3 ways - see below)

From the Doctor:

I would like to tell you about a new oral agent with which we've been seeing outstanding results in the treatment of Androgenic Alopecia (Pattern Baldness).

For years, in medical literature there have been convincing reports of the efficacy (the medical term for it works) of certain complexes discovered in Germany 12 years ago in treating hair loss. These complexes appear to work by blocking the 5- alpha reductase enzyme that converts testosterone into DHT, which is responsible for male and female pattern baldness. Call for about New Dual Action Anti-Androgenic Hair Growth Complex!

DHT interrupts the normal function of the hair follicles in the scalp. The final result ranges from the partial destruction the complete obliteration of hair follicles.

The decreased production of DHT consistently allows for prevention of further hair loss and promotes regrowth in thinning and bald areas. A decrease in the rate of fallout is usually seen after the first 1-2 months of treatment. Actual regrowth is usually seen within 2-4 months in males and 2-3 months in women.

It is noteworthy that the drug Propecia also works by blocking 5-alpha reductase and reducing DHT levels. However, Propecia cannot be used by women and may even cause male sexual dysfunction. This herbal complex is an excellent alternative to Propecia. It can stimulate hair growth for both men and women and is remarkably free of side effects or drug interactions.

We have not experienced any problems in our patients, including the sexual dysfunction that can be brought on by Propecia. In short, this is a remarkable supplement that should be taken by any adult concerned about hair loss.

Edwin F. Williams M.D., F.A.C.S. "

Long live saw palmetto.


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Why was this theard moved to experimental treatments from General Discussions ?

Was it because i mentioned Saw Palmetto ??
Moderator, please move it back to the General Discussions forum.



Senior Member
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saw palmetto is expensive and weak. Don't bother. for that price get apple poly or GSE.