Would it be possible?


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Would it be possible (in a situation with a lot of money, 10-20 thousand euro) to "fix" the problem of baldness?

The young man starts losing hair at 20 years, with 24 already seriously balding. To avoid waiting for the end of balding process and his 40is, the decision is to remove "sick" hair using laser removal, ie hair at the front and top of the head, which would certainly in the next few years fall out. Then it becomes a typical bald man with the popular "ring" around the head while the hair on the top is gone.
Then, with a lot of money, transplant is done in which they use as many healthy head of hair ( 5.000 grafts), a lot of beard hear (3.000 grafts) and a lot of hair on his chest for example (2.000 grafts). (It is known that these methods work for years in America). With so many grafts and excellent surgeon, he could achieve a impression of uniform occupancy, and the hair from the head would be transplanted forward (for credibility), and hair from the beard and chest at the top and crown, respectively.

The best part is beating the lifetime obligation to use meds.
Of course, it takes a lot of money, but if a person is much hairy and talk to the right surgeon, is it theoretically possible?


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Ben said:
I would not class 10,000 to 20,000 EURO as lots of money. I spent 12,500 euro on getting 3000 grafts so if you were looking at getting the whole head done with scalp and body hair it will cost a whole lot more than that.

Ive seen an example where this has been done using both and the results are ok, but you cannot beat scalp hair since body hair is alot thinner and does not grow as long.

Ok, so then 30.000 euro.
We can "beat" scalp hair since beard and body hair would be transplanted on vertex and tacticly combined with donor hair on top to make the impression. And ofcourse, short hairstyle always.

But my question is is it possible to REMOVE "bad" hair so man can save 10 years of waiting till natural falling.


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finfighter said:
gascoigne said:
I would not class 10,000 to 20,000 EURO as lots of money. I spent 12,500 euro on getting 3000 grafts so if you were looking at getting the whole head done with scalp and body hair it will cost a whole lot more than that.

Ive seen an example where this has been done using both and the results are ok, but you cannot beat scalp hair since body hair is alot thinner and does not grow as long.

Ok, so then 30.000 euro.
We can "beat" scalp hair since beard and body hair would be transplanted on vertex and tacticly combined with donor hair on top to make the impression. And ofcourse, short hairstyle always.

But my question is is it possible to REMOVE "bad" hair so man can save 10 years of waiting till natural falling.

No it would cost more like $120,000 USD to have something like that done, with Umar.[/quote]

But its possible, right friend?
I mean, if i was milionare or show biz star, i would give 100.000 with ease to have hair back. Even short styled all the time, its still my hair.

P.s. Why did you said 120.000 USD? Its normal to pay about 10.000 euro for 3.000 grafts. Why would 10.000 grafts cost 120.000, and not 30.000-50.000 ?


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Ben said:
You mean remove native hair? yes it is possible but an hair transplant surgeon would think your crazy since the idea of an hair transplant should be to blend in with existing hair.

Even 30,000 Euro wont do it. I reckon you could be looking at 100,000+but It depends upon how many grafts you need. Body hair is also more expensive than strip. I think its also more expensive than FUE but not sure.

Wow, you are giving me some hope.
For how sure you are that is possible to remove native hair?
He may think i am crazy but that crazines could spare me from using meds and could save me from years and years waiting for another thinning.

I think 10.000 grafs could make a really decent impression of full head of hear. Not thick ofcourse, but solid and well uniformed.
So 100.000 euro? I have 20.000 now and could sell my big apartment and buy smaller to get another 40.000.


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I think that it's better to be bald than to know that you have hair somewhere from your *** on your head. Don't become crazy, people.


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Michael84 said:
I think that it's better to be bald than to know that you have hair somewhere from your *** on your head.
:woot: :punk:

I don't see why you should remove your "bad hair". You don't know in advance how much of it would be lost in the future, it would be a gamble to do what you are thinking of doing.

I personally wouldn't do it.


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It is a good move for someone who dont want to think about hair never again in life. Remove almost all from forehead and top, most from vertex and create typical horshoe pattern. With that man would be sure that he wont suffer no more hair loss. Problem with meds is also solved.


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Would 10000 grafts really be enough to cover the entire NW6-7 pattern left after removing the "bad" hair? Surely it's much better to try to keep what you have and do a hair transplant to blend with the existing hair?


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Maystor said:
Would 10000 grafts really be enough to cover the entire NW6-7 pattern left after removing the "bad" hair? Surely it's much better to try to keep what you have and do a hair transplant to blend with the existing hair?

10.000 - 15.000 would be enough, there are few videos on youtube about dr. Umar work with nw6 guys.
The "bad" hair would be removed to nw5-6 pattern, no more than that. Later, in 40is, vertex could be done again with small procedure taking about 2.000 grafts.


Hair transplant is bullshit. The "hair" looks unnatural and terrible and eventually fall and then you stay with your holes scars that makes you look like a bowl


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i'd rather just stay on finasteride tbh. a lot cheaper


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How are you going to permanantly remove the hair follicles without damaging the scalp and therefore possibly reducing the chances of any transplanted hair growing on it?


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finally he has found a purpose in life. Save that money and work towards the braided *** hair transplant.

good luck bud