Worth using hair fibres whilst waiting for regrowth?


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I know there's no guarantees that I will experience any significant regrowth but thankfully I think I am currently riding out a shed on rogaine and am expecting a comeback. However, until that time my hair is looking very thin. My scalp is visible at my hairline and being 19 (and at university) it does tend to bother me, especially when trying to chat up girls, despite being a generally confident guy. Anyway, to hide this should I get some toppik or viviscal to cover my shed? It won't hinder or interfere with my progress/regrowth process in any way will it? Also, what's the chances of it falling out while I'm exercising etc? Thanks.


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Remember that you need a completely dry scalp or else it will look cakey and obvious. It might affect it should you choose to hair dry your head after minoxidil instead of air dry. As a guide it will add 15-20mintues of extra work every day and that's after experience.

It won't fall out if properly applied & sealed with hairspray but if you sweat a lot it will come off if you use a towel on your head so use a black towel.

Watch out which hair fibres you use as some of them light up in UV/black lights.