Worst case of balding on a 16 year old ever?


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I turned 16 in October and since around then I've noticed some recession. My father passed away at 30 but he was receding dramatically (half the top of his head). 2 of his 3 brothers are also bald, but not his father. My mothers side doesn't have much young baldness. I am unsure if my hairline is maturing or receding. Dry in its natural position, my hairline is about 1.5/2 cm above the wrinkles on my forehead. My hair is quite thin but it has always been. My crown is fine. I am not completley against going bald, but I'm just 16 and very scared. This has not yet been noticed by my friends or family but if progress continues it wont be long before I have to get it shaved off. My prominent nose and jaw only add to how much my hairline stands out. I have included a picture of my fathers hairline, mine, and my hairline a year and a half ago. Pictures on this Twitter account, (don't how how else to upload them). Oh and the left side of my hair is fine(ish) it's just the right.


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Hey bro, this is FARRRR from the worst case of balding for a 16 year old!! What stood out to me more than your hairline was your crown, although it looked like the camera had flash and your hair is going in all different directions giving the appearance of little coverage. The photo with your hand lifting your hair illustrates your concern, but I really don't think your hairline is all that bad. Maybe check with a derm and see what he says? I'm nervous to recommend much given that you're so young and your loss isn't all that profound


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Nah. Camera flash always make everything look worse then it actually is.

I had a receding hairline at 16, and was a NW2 by 17.