Worry about what job your hair can get, not what woman it ca


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And don't look at CEO's. Look at your line of work, jobs you can shoot for, and look at the entry level where the first interviews are. Remove your emotions and start thinking money. I bet if you had money, you would not care as much about women. Sure you'd want them, but you could pamper yourself some other way when you get shot down, instead of return to your crack house neighborhood to be depressed. Do not let hairloss depression make you do poorly in college, like I did.

Your college classes probably will not apply much to your job. What they show your employer is how consistently you get the job done. If there is a project, do you do it well and get it done on time, or do you cause problems. Are you dependable. If the company takes time to train you, will you pay attention and learn and apply it, or will they need to invest twice as much time training you? You don't need straight A's for every job, but at least get C's. Once you graduate and don't find a job in the first year, do you think an employer wants to hire you, or would they rather a recent grad who still has the material fresh in their head?


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Rotting Inside said:
If I had money, I would have gotten a hair transplant ages ago and lived a happy and fulfilling life.

I had 3 hair transplants. They just are not that dense. A picture can be very deceiving. And half the doctors don't know how to angle the hairs.

You only have so much donor hair. You have to thin out that donor hair to fix your hair line. Sure you can straighten it out, but it won't be thick at all. Women want thick hair, not wispy hair. Try a wig before trying a hair transplant.

Probably 1/4 of your hairs will die instead of growing out.
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If you are not worse than NW3 and go to good clinic, then your hair transplant can look great just like the real hair. If I got a transplant now, I would be NW1 and look great. Too bad I am not a zillionaire. Try earning 15-20k$ in Russia.


CCS said:
Rotting Inside said:
If I had money, I would have gotten a hair transplant ages ago and lived a happy and fulfilling life.

I had 3 hair transplants. They just are not that dense. A picture can be very deceiving. And half the doctors don't know how to angle the hairs.

You only have so much donor hair. You have to thin out that donor hair to fix your hair line. Sure you can straighten it out, but it won't be thick at all. Women want thick hair, not wispy hair. Try a wig before trying a hair transplant.

Probably 1/4 of your hairs will die instead of growing out.
That's cuz you idiots try to grow long hair, an hair transplant should be for a shaved head look, so you don't need to "chase" something, just alot of tiny hairs to create the shaved hairline.All the sucssesfull hair transplants I sew are like that, never sew a secsesful hair transplant of a long hair, those always look bad.


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bbs has got it right

you can do long hair but it will be diffused. if you dont mind putting concealer on everyday then that wud be fine tho

maybe in 10 or so years the tech will improve to the point where its feasible to get long hair hair transplant for nw4+

Captain Obvious

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A job is a great thing to have but it does not compare to the love of a woman. A job isn't going to give you love, sex, children, a feminen touch, emotional support and a person to grow old with. You are nucking futs if you think anything in life is more rewarding than the love of a good woman.
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You should have a job primarily to improve and upkeep your looks. Hair transplants are expensive, so is plastic surgery. If you wanna be loved by a woman, you have to look good.


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Everything in life is about sex, except sex.


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In your spare time go check out your local welfare office(s) tragically inundated with human traffic and survey the number of childless folks present. Its an absurd formulation.


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My Regimen
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Ugh you guys have either really dry humor or are just being debative for the sakes of it


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Is sex about power?

uncomfortable man

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Biologically, sex is about procreation. Socially, it is about power.


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My Regimen
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Dunno, but it's entrenched here.

so in the US money = power = sex (at least sex with hot chicks)

I think regardless my comment still stands.

You can always find what you want with effort and hard work but if you have the cash many time it finds you.


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Hair being the exception, virtually everything else in excess can cause a preponderance of power or that gnawing feeling of losing control. :lost: