Worried about starting Rogaine


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Hey Everyone,

After considering all of my options and consulting with my dermatologist, I had decided that rogaine would be my best bet for treating my slight hair thinning in the crown.

Recently though, I had a small case of vertigo (bppv), and in the past I've had it on a few other occasions as well. I am completely fine as of now, but I feel that on some level I'm prone to inner ear imbalance.. whether it is bppv or a virus that causes vertigo.

My question is, in your opinion - do you think rogaine can trigger vertigo?

vertigo is much different from light headedness, which is one side of rogaine, but I also did notice vertigo being listed as a potential side. I think I'm just being paranoid, but figured I'd post here first.

Also, I've recently discovered that ibuprofen can cause hair thinning. I often go through 2 - 3 week periods where I get migraines and take loads of advil. 3 at a time sometimes, and multiple times per day.

Does anyone have experience with either vertigo/rogaine or hair thinning caused by ibuprofen?


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Why don't you try it and see if you have any of the side effects listed on the side of the minoxidil box? If you do then stop using it. Seems pretty simple to me.