Woods committment is 100%


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I had over 1400 hairs transplanted with FUE with Dr Jones in Toronto - utter failure with about 30 hairs growing after 2 yrs. Ask me any questions you like.

My two visits to Dr Ray Woods in Australia have been brilliant. He doesn't get you to sign any disclaimers because he invented FUE and has perfected same over time. You can see each needle hole which are done one at a time as each individual unit is placed. If there are damaged follicles you will see them, I didn't which gives a greater chance of very high percentage take up of new transplants.

Dr Woods doesn't walk out and let other minor staff take over, some Doctors like Jones do this.

Happy to answer any questions from people thinking about an op.


Hairyer Jet

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Well that's rather shocking and dissappointing, Aus do you have any pics that you could show? What the hell happened?

What was Jones' explanation for such a result?

How much did he charge you and is he gong to give you a refund?

Woods seems like a straight up guy. Too bad more are not like him. If he was in North America I'd definitely go for a consult. Can you give an update?


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Hi Aus64

I am in Australia, and luckily live down the road for Dr Woods clinic!

I am seriously considering going to see him but would like to understand about how much did things set you back, recovery time and side effects, the transplant procedure you did.

I like to continue shaving my hair short; will that ever be possible after a transplant?

Appreciate any info mate



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hi all
when you go and have a consultant with this doctor , try to ask him how does he
think of fut , because i remeber when i was consultant with him and he told the fut will not grow better than fue , he said because when they cut across the strip
and the graft will die , but is that really true ????
we need a gd honest dr , not a gd sells person , then your guys can make ur own


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Hi - Do you have any before+after photos? I am thinking of going to see Dr. Woods and would like to see some results & talk to someone who has seen him.


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I had several days of work with Dr Campbell (Dr Woods' sister) and also a half-session with Dr Woods. It was a good experience. Not a ton of grafts (about 1250) but they all seemed to grow, and it was a noticeable improvement (as much as 1250 grafts can provide - that's not a huge amount).

The fact that the doctors do all the work (no techs) means it's a slower process, but you have full confidence in what's being done. I've had something like 17 transplants now (most of them were corrective, after getting massively screwed up by Dr Carlos Puig) and these procedures with Campbell and Woods were (by far!!!) the least stressful surgeries of all of them. As compared to other clinics (I've also been to Bernstein and Cole) where people are constantly running around, in and out of the room, and you feel like you are being swarmed with hands. Also, in contrast to my lousy experience with Dr Cole, the grafts actually grew. And about half the time, Dr Cole wasn't even in the room.

On the down side, their procedures are more expensive than some other clinics (they aren't saving money by having low-paid techs do your surgery) and they insist on doing a limited number of grafts each day (they say keeping graft counts low means better graft survival). If you can accept those factors, I would say they are one of the top clinics in the world. I'm not aware of anybody else in Australia who would be better.

I don't generally recommend hair transplant, but if you're going to do it, pick somebody good. I don't like the strip procedure, and Woods invented FUE and has the most experience by far.

Feel free to ask more questions, or send me a message if you want a private conversation.


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There was a Japanese doctor who thought of the idea in the 1940s or 50s. His research wasn't translated and his process was never offered commercially, and was not widely known, maybe even unknown outside Japan. But the idea is not new. If I remember correctly, Woods was the first to develop it commercially in the 90's, and did small test sessions while they figured out the technology.

If it's a marketing strategy, it was poorly conceived, because the entire industry was dead set against the idea and fought against it.