Winter's Story - ( 22 / 1/4 proscar daily) NEW PICTURES!

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Re: Winter's Story - ( 22 / 1/4 proscar daily)

Hi Winter,
Welcome to the forum. I hope your regimen keeps working for you for a long time. Please keep us posted over time.

Did your decreased libido go away after a while or did it never improve over time? I read stories of people where they have decrease libido for a few weeks but it improves after that time automatically.


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Re: Winter's Story - ( 22 / 1/4 proscar daily)

Thank you. Nah the first couple of days there was no change in libido but after like 2 weeks I could tell my libido were lower than it usually is. My " masturbation frequency " is not the same, simply because I don't have the same sexdrive. Dont get me wrong though, I still do it like once a day so it's nothing serious, just that I used to do it more often.

When it comes to the " will it get better " part, I dont know. It's been lower for over a month now so im guessing it'll stay like this. No problem for me though, I actually like it lower than it used to be:)! I have nada erection problems and i still have a boner in the morning.


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Ok so I've decided to add some photos anyway, they're still anonymous :)

Today I've been on 1/4 proscar for 47 days.

had wet hair mixed with a day old d:fi wax

Right temple :

as you can see i've combed the thinning hair forward here, parting it from the " healthy hair ". I'm not sure what's going on seems like the whole first cm of my hairline is thinning.

Left temple :

Front :

what do u think ?


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and btw the crown and the rest of the hair is fine, but like i said in my first post, maybe there's been a decrease in volume but nothing major..not even sure it has.


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hair looks great

hairline is intact

not even NW2 yet

by the way it's very normal to have thiner hair at the temples
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Your hair does look decent...also you have a good hair/skin complexion contrast (if that makes any sense)....

BodyDysmorphic, why is it considered "normal" to have thinner hair at the temples? I've never heard of that before.


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ok, thanks for ur opinions! yea well it's far from noticeable but it's also far from the very low hairline im used to. But u guys think i'll be fine with just popping a 1/4 proscar daily for the next couple of years? Cuz I have lost some volume even if the hairline might be just maturing! and since my dad lost his hair in his midtwenties i'll better be safe than sorry.

I have no probs affording the finasteride and so far ( 47 days ) no sides so I guess I'll just keep it up and try not to think so much of it..



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just john not to hijack this dudes thread but

alot of people, young men and women have "baby hair" on their hair line and temples

i even had baby hair myself on those temples until i matured into a man


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Winter said:
ok, thanks for ur opinions! yea well it's far from noticeable but it's also far from the very low hairline im used to. But u guys think i'll be fine with just popping a 1/4 proscar daily for the next couple of years? Cuz I have lost some volume even if the hairline might be just maturing! and since my dad lost his hair in his midtwenties i'll better be safe than sorry.

I have no probs affording the finasteride and so far ( 47 days ) no sides so I guess I'll just keep it up and try not to think so much of it..


yes i think your on the right path for maintaining your hair :)

worst comes to worst you may need to add MIN in the future
but you obviously don't need it now


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a thousand thanks for letting me know what u think! sometimes it's better to let someone else have a say since u stare yourself blind on your hairline everyday! guess i'll just keep popping proscar and get on with my life, and if my temples decides to go deeper i will recruit minoxidil to my anti-hairloss army.

thanks for now and ill keep u updated about the proscar process


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guys..remember the hair quality increase i was talking about..well what can i say... praise finasteride. I know theres no before pictures but how my hair was looking before i started proscar is nowhere NEAR the volume and healthy hair i have now..

it used to be greasy, oily and dead, now look at this!!! in 48 days! still a little thin in temples but maybe with a little luck it'll stay like this! maintaining is success!

[image removed]
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Thanks for clarifying that BodyDysmorphic, certaintly wasn't trying to hijack Winter's thread, but that was some helpful information...

Winter, truthfully doesn't even look like you really have a problem, your hair looks good! Given the family Hx, I can see why you would worry, but there's a chance that you didn't inherit your father's pattern/rate of loss...and if you did, I'm sure he didn't have proscar to slow it. I think you're in good shape, if you are losing, it seems you caught it super early! Keep popping those pills and if it gets worse add minoxidil like BodyDysmorphic said....Hopefully by the time it does (if it does) something better would've come along.....But don't worry about that now man, look at all that hair (lol)!


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I buy my proscar from ! but then again I'm from scandinavia, dunno if they ship to the US if thats where ur from! UK should not be a problem though..


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Ok guys! time for an update!

Today i've been om finasteride for : 74 days or
2 months and 12 days if you will.

I've also used 1% nizoral for about 1 month.

I know some of you might've thought i had no loss from the beginning
but i can assure you there's been a major increase in hair density since
last time i posted. My hair feels a lot better and thicker! The receding temples
has completely stopped and it looks like a normal mature hairline, even though i am SURE they would have continued if i had not got on proscar.

So, if I can just maintain this great head of hair that i have right now, for atleast 5 more years, i would be more than happy! i guess everything over 5 years will be a bonus, but by then i'll be 27 and it's more acceptable to lose some hair!



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Time for an update! 6 months has passed on finasteride, and when it comes to my hair I'm not quite sure if there's been any change-. I do know that it hasn't improved, even if its not gttten worse either. My temples and first cm of the hairline is still weaker than it used to be, but I think the minituarizing has stopped. It looks a bit weird though since they dont fall out either, prolly cuz of the finasteride. They just keep on growing but without going back to normal.

This is how my worst temple looks like right now. What do you think? Time for minoxidil? Or is just keep popping them proscar pills enough ?

(Images removed)

In this last picture you can see the thin hairs that seems to have stopped minituarize, but still hasnt improved. Is minituarizing a part of a mature hairline or is this a safe sign that I'm actually balding? Confused.


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Looks to me like your temples are fine. The hair near the edge of them is bound to be a little whispy...almost everyone's is. I'd try to see how your father's hairloss went (if you can find any pictures to try and see how it receded) and just watch those areas over time, but for the most part just try to forget about it. Your hair looks great. Looks to me like it might have receded more but you are a great responder to finasteride so stay on it!


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Thank you for sharing your thoughts man! Yea I know what u mean about the whispy hairs @ peoples hairline, I've had them myself before, but those hairs that u can see in my pictures used to be fully normal, thick hairs. And when they were, my hairline was extremely low and straight. Now it's ( as u can see ) higher and not as thick as it used to be. But yes it seems like finasteride is doing its job even though i'm sure minoxidil would make my hairline stronger, imma wait with that. If i maintain this hairline I'll be more than satisfied. If it gets worse I'll add minoxidil. But first lets give finasteride a little more time, lets say 10 months. :)


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Re: Winter's Story - ( 22/ 1/4 proscar daily) 1 Year Update!

Ok guys! Thought I'd come back here to share what's going on! I've been on Finasteride since 22nd October 2009, which means that there's been over a year since I popped the first pill.
Even though I've tried to not think about it I haven't missed taking the pill more than _ONE_ day since 22nd October. Sometimes I take 1/4 of a proscar and sometimes I take a half, depends on if I'm in a hurry or whatever.
Also, I've changed my internet pharmacy and used different kinds of finasteride, proscar / finatas. Not sure how much that matters though..I've also used some ketoconazole (spelling?) on and off.

(Images removed)

Here's an image of my right temple as it looks today after 1 year and 1 month on finasteride. I tried to part the healthy hair from the miniaturized.

To be honest, my hairloss is confusing me. I'm not sure if my temple has receded more or not. My overall density is the same as it always been, and my left temple looks better than my right. Do you guys think I should jump on minoxidil or wait?