Will Fincar negatively effect drug testing?


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Just started using Fincar 2 weeks ago. Anyway, I took a drug test today for a future employer. I'm wondering if Fincar would have any impact on the results of the test.

BTW, while there, I wasn't asked if I was taking any medication so I assume they're looking for other substances. :D Still?


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I would be more worried about what was in the Fincar I was taking. While I don't think it would have a negative affect on any substance abuse testing, it has been proven that many of these generic Finasteride companies (and yes, that includes Fincar and Finpecia) can have little to NONE of the active ingredient and unsafe levels of heavy metals and arsenic present. Is the couple of bucks a month you are saving worth it to you to not save yourself the worry and get the real-deal Proscar?


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Well I've never heard anything about that... I use Cipla Fincar from India and the side effects seem to mimic those of Proscar (sex drive decrease, shedding, etc...). As for heavy metals and arsenic, do you have any links you could post to verify this?


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social_drinker said:
I would be more worried about what was in the Fincar I was taking. While I don't think it would have a negative affect on any substance abuse testing, it has been proven that many of these generic Finasteride companies (and yes, that includes Fincar and Finpecia) can have little to NONE of the active ingredient and unsafe levels of heavy metals and arsenic present. Is the couple of bucks a month you are saving worth it to you to not save yourself the worry and get the real-deal Proscar?

where the hell are you getting your facts, you say its been proven, then prove it by providing the studies that prove it.

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Online drugs: Why cheaper isn't always better

10:41 PM PST on Monday, March 1, 2004


We are a nation ready to pop a better pill, lining up at pharmacies around the corner, across the border and along the information highway.

The Food and Drug Administration estimates three to four million Americans are buying lower-cost foreign drugs, because to many, better means cheaper.

But at what price to your health? In some cases, unscrupulous businesses are only too happy to sell you something that just looks like the drug you need, but contains little or none of the actual drug.

We purchased popular drugs online from some Mexican and Canadian pharmacies. Weeks later, the first to arrive was v**** in a hand-addressed envelope, clearly postmarked from India.

Inside was a little cardboard, a few sheets of paper, the bill from our Mexican on-line pharmacy, a plastic bag and four unmarked pills.

But the pill had absolutely none of the active ingredient. While it wouldn’t hurt you physically, it could take a psychological toll.

“His dreams would be deflated to say the least,â€


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i don't know what to think about this thread. I've been taking fincar from india for about three weeks, and I've definitely noticed a shed. granted, that could be from the minoxidil i apply once a day, but I think my c*m has been a bit watery as well.

i happen to be indian, which has no bearing on me ordering from india, or my stance on this. in fact, i look and act more like a jew than anything else, but that's a story for another day. I just don't know, i mean, yeah, so much sh*t overseas is bunk, but i'd like to hear from anyone whose ordered fincar and to hear their results.


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Well like I said earlier, the symptoms are very much in line with what I learned would happen using Proscar. I've been on Fincar a few weeks. I have the most beautiful wife in the world and even that can't change the sex drive loss I've encountered. Also, my hair looks thinner so a shed may be occurring. At any rate, changes are definitely happening.

I too would like to hear from those using Fincar, especially those who buy from India. Cipla (the company who manufacturers my Fincar) is the second largest pharmaceutical company in India and has a very good reputation for distributing free Aids vaccines to third world countries. Like many have pointed out, finasteride isn't mixed with any other drug agent. Therefore it's easily produced and "probably" isn't subject to counterfeit production.

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Like I said earlier, you can take what you want, but I couldn't in good conscience not speak up. In all reality, I do not understand why someone would even put themselves through not knowing what they were taking when cutting Proscar into an appropriate dosage is only pennies more. If your hair is worth enough to you to start a regimen of medication, isn't it worth enough to you to at least KNOW that the medication that you are taking is legit?

By the way, I would definitely re-think basing the potency of your medication on the side effects you are experiencing. Look at the side effects of almost any prescription medication and you will see similar side effects listed.

There is also the placebo effect. This is a very real phenomenon. Because you expect a diminished libido, you experience it.

I wish everyone taking that stuff the best of luck, I really do.


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as the resident indian, i meant to add something else -- the reason i take it is because i pay about 120 bucks for a year a half's worth of treatment, and proscar isn't that cheap, is it? Also, since my parents are obviously Indian, we can just get it for the maximum price that's stated on the strips -- about 3 dollars for a four month supply.

As for the guys using it, I know I've read in so many of these threads that there have to be at least 100 guys using Fincar. I know this means sh*t, too, but the printing on the strips they came on looks very legitimate, as does the way the expiration date is printed, too. There are six people in my immediate family, i work in major league baseball, and the other five, including my parents are all doctors. and we'd actually be *more* skeptical about things that coming from india, yet they all agree to take it.

Placebo efffect might be true with the sex drive, but my hair has definitely definitely accelerated its thinning over the past 10 days. I'm 19 days in.

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Hey, if it works for you, great. Personally, I am not trusting my body to it because no matter what the packaging, labeling, or anyone says, there is doubt. I don't want doubt. I want hair. Oh yeah, and my health.


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hey don't get me wrong...i don't know about you guys, but i do appreciate hearing every possible negative angle on what I'm using. I don't know if it works yet, we'll see, but now I do have concerns if there's not metal and other crap in it as well. Anywhere one can go to have a pill analyzed? Doctors don't do that, obviously.

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I have had discussions on having the pills analyzed a multitude of times. Here was the good, bad, and ugly of it:

The thing is, when you deal with pharmeceuticals that you don't trust there is a big variable in the consistency of the product. One batch may be good, and the next can be crap. So, in essence, unless you test each batch you get, how will you know that the batches are consistant?

In many of the headlines about foreign drugs being imported into the U.S. that are counterfeit they willl mention that a shipment will have 25% or so of the real drug and the rest will be counterfeit. (That 25% is a number I just threw out there for demonstrative purposes, but you get the idea). So, there is no doubt that they are shipping partially good shipments, but that is certainly not enough for me to bank on.

There are a lot of Fincar and Finpecia users on these discussion boards.

I am not trying to rain on anyone's parade, I am just trying to enlighten them to think twice about what they are taking. The Proscar that I buy is $36 for 10 pills at CVS. I take 1/2 every two days. That equates to 40 doses of the Finasteride at roughly 1.25 mg per day. That is right at $1.11 per day. Now, if a buck, a dime, and a penny isn't worth your piece of mind, then I do not know what is. Hell, I spend 4 times that at Starbucks each morning.

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Proscar is definitely cheaper than it seems.

Granted, fincar and other generics are even cheaper, and when you buy several months worth at a time this difference is very obvious, but if you break it down proscar is still less than $1 per day if you cut it into 5ths, and a little more if you do quarters.

So unless you're unemployable, addicted to some other drug, or just terrible with money, I don't see how anyone couldn't afford that.

I work part-time for 6 bucks an hour, so to balance out buying proscar I just stopped buying sodas and juices at convenience stores. Just fill up a water bottle! I also ditched my car with shitty gas milage for an economy car. That's not directly related, but if you ad up little expenditures like that over an extended period of time, the way you buy proscar, it more than makes up for it.

There's no noticible difference in my pocket money day to day, it's more of a well-grounded rationalization. Piece of mind... the most compelling reason to pop the genuine article!

Also: I didn't see anything in those links discrediting fincar. And based on posts I've read on here, sheds, sides, and results have been identical to proscar. Still this thread isn't helping anyone's piece of mind :)

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Nope, nothing to discredit Fincar, specifically. I don't want to discredit them. In all actuality with the obvious thousands of people ordering it, I pray to God that it does actually work. I just want to enlighten people to the very real possibility that it doesn't. :D


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Ok then, I'll consider this possibility. Also, I'll admit that I'm getting generic Fincar really cheap and that its price heavily influenced my decision to buy it (being unemployed at the time).

Is there someone out there who can attest to the effectiveness of India-produced Fincar? Maybe a person who has used it for a year and seen results?


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Do me a favor and do a search on Cipla on the internet. You will find seized shipments from them, yes, however when you look at the reason it has nothing to do with the efficiacy of their product - it has to do with it being a drug not completely tested.
Also, if you check out their reports on the internet you will see they are quickly becoming a global competitor in the pharmaucetical market.
I have been taking Fincar for over four months now and have felt the side-effects (which pass) and don't believe that "Just because it ain't American, it ain't good."
So, get over it. Quit listening to our liberal media which is directly swayed by big business and lobbyists, lobbyists from the pharmaucetical companies who want to scare Americans into buying their overpriced products.
woooo, rant over - everybody talk amongst yourselves now. :wink:


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so, are we just saying fincar might be counterfeit or we saying proscar is counterfeit too. i bought proscar from worldwidepharmacies.com and i only bought there because someone told me it was a good place to buy from.

so fincar or proscar is counterfit? or none? or both? or, ahh, i dont know.

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I think you're taking this whole thread just a little too personal, don't you? I posted this as a warning because I see news reports like this every other week, it seems. As I said before, take what you want...its YOUR body, not mine. It just seems ridiculous to me to have ANY kind of doubt about the potency and safety level of a prescription-level medication when you can get the real-deal (Merck-brand Proscar) for $1.11 a day. The peace of mind alone is worth it to me. Do what you want.


It is hard to say if your Proscar is any good. The only reason that I am pro-American when it comes to prescription drugs is because of the standards that American retailers have to operate by. Many online "pharmacies" are nothing more than fancy websites operating as a cover for cheap swindlers. As long as it is Merck-brand Proscar, you may be safe. Is this company in America? If not, they may not have to operate by the same safety guidelines that your local pharmacy does.


I have done research on Cipla. More than you probably think. They do seem like a reputable company. I remember reading the articles when they upset the U.S. drug industry by claiming to be able to sell AIDS patients their pharmaceuticals for a fraction of the cost of U.S. companies. I do not mean to bash Cipla so much as the online pharmacies that these drugs are shipped from under their name. Time and again, crooks have replicated blister packs and other authentic markings on drugs. It is big business and swindlers know it. These aren't run-of-the-mill crooks. These are high-tech criminals. I will say this one more time:

You take what you want to take, but do not condescend someone that is asking valid questions about a very valid and important toppic.


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social_drinker said:
Hey, if it works for you, great. Personally, I am not trusting my body to it because no matter what the packaging, labeling, or anyone says, there is doubt. I don't want doubt. I want hair. Oh yeah, and my health.
So how does anyone know the proscar they are getting over the internet is real. For all anyone knows it could be fincar in merck packaging. Unless you go to your doctor and get a prescirtion their is no way to know for sure if your getting a legit product. Thats why i saved myself asome money and got the cipla brand.


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mgoettl said:
social_drinker said:
Hey, if it works for you, great. Personally, I am not trusting my body to it because no matter what the packaging, labeling, or anyone says, there is doubt. I don't want doubt. I want hair. Oh yeah, and my health.
So how does anyone know the proscar they are getting over the internet is real. For all anyone knows it could be fincar in merck packaging. Unless you go to your doctor and get a prescirtion their is no way to know for sure if your getting a legit product. Thats why i saved myself asome money and got the cipla brand.

Well said... 8)