Will Everyone Eventually Shed?


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I shed diffusely for years before deciding on finasteride. Within the first two days, I completely stopped shedding, and haven't shed since. In fact, I've never had a significant shed since starting on either finasteride or minoxidil.

Perhaps I'm the exception, more than the rule. But people like me definitely do exist.


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got a shed within 2 or weeks or so within starting finasteride which lasted a week or 2 and then another one after 3 months or so whithin starting finasteride that lasted just as long.


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i shed about 6 months after starting treatment. i started finasteride back in feb 2005. i been on it a year and a half. recently i started a 2nd shed. my hair looks good before, now it looks like sh*t. i did go out of town and lost my medicine and was finasteride free for 5 days. kinda sucks. had the rogaine but didnt have the finasteride.