Will Brink - Hair Loss Ultimate Stack

Thinning Sucks

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Any opinions on the ultimate stack by Will Brink, especially the 5mg finasteride every week?


The Ultimate Hair Stack

We all know what a "steroid stack" is and most people know what a "supplement stack" is, but have you heard of a hair stack? Probably not. Well I am going to give you the hair stack I, and a bunch of other people I know, currently use based on the above information. I would say better than 90% of the people I have given this stack to who have followed it religiously (didn't you know that the science of hair loss is a religion for some people?), have noticed a total cessation of hair loss and even some moderate regrowth. As for me, I could definitely use some more hair, but I am a lot better off than my mothers father was or my father is now, not to mention my brother (good thing my brother does not read bodybuilding magazines!). Obviously, I can't and won't make any guarantees that this will work for you, but it should. However, the causes of hair loss are many and depend on numerous physiological variables (certain medications, stress, diet, genetics, etc.) , so keep your expectations to something that is realistic for your particular level of hair loss. Translated, if you are a young person (male or female) and have started losing some hair but still have most of it, this stack should work like gang busters for you. If you are older and don't have much hair on your head and have not had much hair on you head for some time, than this stack will be helpful for sure. How helpful, I have no clue. "Right, enough blabbering Brink, give us the damn stack!" you say? Here it is:

1. Wash hair with Nizoral shampoo every day leaving it on the scalp for at least 5 minutes. Every third or fourth day, use a selenium based shampoo such as Head and Shoulders instead.

2. Take one quarter of a tab of Proscar (1.25mg) with a meal and a 5mg tab every 5-7 days.

3. Put Minoxidil on your head in the morning and before bed. Note: I have found using Minoxidil once a day before bed with the above compounds is sufficient, and putting it on in the morning gives you an ugly "do" (or is that a "don't?!"). However, the directions on the bottle say to put it on twice a day for best results.

4. Finally, rub Folligen in the scalp where the hair is thinning before bedtime and wash it out in the morning. Note: Put the Minoxidil on first but make sure it has dried before adding theFolligen. Here's the best way to do it. Put the Minoxidil on first, then do your other pre bedtime activities, like brush your teeth, take some vitamins, turn out the lights, kick the cat, or what ever. Now put on the Folligen after the Minoxidil has dried.

5. Pray to the hair Gods that RU58841 gets on the market before we all look like Kojak!


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i don't know what the 5mg proscar once a week will do....? ~1mg of finasteride keeps scalp dht levels down the same as 5mg will do if you take it every day... waste of good drug in my opinion

Thinning Sucks

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I'm a 7 year user of finasteride and just maintaining to slowly losing...wonder if the 5mg per week will help 'shock"the system a bit...any opinion on this?


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oh ok, i missed that part

yeah, i would up the dosage, try that for about six months, then if no luck switch to dutasteride


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Why take proscar with a meal? I always thought it was better to take it by itself, should i start taking it with a meal?


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Thinning Sucks said:
1. Wash hair with Nizoral shampoo every day leaving it on the scalp for at least 5 minutes. Every third or fourth day, use a selenium based shampoo such as Head and Shoulders instead.

In my opinion this is a bad idea. 1, it may strip your hair. 2, it may dry out your scalp. 3, it may cause scalp pimples and that hurts. This irritation may wipe out any benefits Nizoral may bring.

Besides, that stuff is expensive!

Thinning Sucks said:
2. Take one quarter of a tab of Proscar (1.25mg) with a meal and a 5mg tab every 5-7 days.

This is old school line of thought. I think this is what guys were doing before Propecia hit the market and we had no studies to prove what mg's were beneficial to our hair loss cause. It's like when guys were having pharmacies crush up loniten back in the 80's before rogaine came out. I think back then people thought 3% was the magic number.

Not saying it is wrong, but I would like to see some proof that the 5mg spike is needed.

Thinning Sucks said:
3. Put Minoxidil on your head in the morning and before bed. Note: I have found using Minoxidil once a day before bed with the above compounds is sufficient, and putting it on in the morning gives you an ugly "do" (or is that a "don't?!"). However, the directions on the bottle say to put it on twice a day for best results.

I use it once a day as well. I go for the minimal regimen approach. You can always bump it up later if needed.

Thinning Sucks said:
4. Finally, rub Folligen in the scalp where the hair is thinning before bedtime and wash it out in the morning. Note: Put the Minoxidil on first but make sure it has dried before adding theFolligen. Here's the best way to do it. Put the Minoxidil on first, then do your other pre bedtime activities, like brush your teeth, take some vitamins, turn out the lights, kick the cat, or what ever. Now put on the Folligen after the Minoxidil has dried.

There has always been a dispute as to what comes first, CP's or Minoxidil. Bryan states some sort of gas may be produced from using Minoxidil before CP's. It's interesting to see someone else stating that this is the correct order.

I wonder why he mentions folligen and not any other form of CP's.

Thinning Sucks said:
5. Pray to the hair Gods that RU58841 gets on the market before we all look like Kojak!

Ehhhh.......we will see.

Nice write up. Very good information but I get the feeling this was written awhile ago. Think I have read it before.

Thinning Sucks

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Thanks Cassin!

Just wondering in my case (long time finasteride user) if it would help "pump up da volume".....


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Cassin said:
Thinning Sucks said:
1. Wash hair with Nizoral shampoo every day leaving it on the scalp for at least 5 minutes. Every third or fourth day, use a selenium based shampoo such as Head and Shoulders instead.

In my opinion this is a bad idea. 1, it may strip your hair. 2, it may dry out your scalp. 3, it may cause scalp pimples and that hurts. This irritation may wipe out any benefits Nizoral may bring.

Besides, that stuff is expensive!

Which part of this is the bad idea?


Trebor said:
Cassin said:
Thinning Sucks said:
1. Wash hair with Nizoral shampoo every day leaving it on the scalp for at least 5 minutes. Every third or fourth day, use a selenium based shampoo such as Head and Shoulders instead.

In my opinion this is a bad idea. 1, it may strip your hair. 2, it may dry out your scalp. 3, it may cause scalp pimples and that hurts. This irritation may wipe out any benefits Nizoral may bring.

Besides, that stuff is expensive!

Which part of this is the bad idea?

Using Nizoral every day. It's a very strong shampoo.


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What abuot just using the 1% then?

Thinning Sucks

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Cassin said:
Post your regimen and length of time on each, kind sir.

finasteride 1mg or 1.25mg since 1999
minoxidil 2% since 1985 off and on 5% since about 1994 twice per day. now once per day for last 5 years
nizoral 1 or 2% avg 3 days a week for last 3 years but only 3 minutes avg hold time

Also Couvre entire scalp for last 13 years so do not know how minoxidil is effective as spray first then ten minutes later apply Couvre with sponge. At night did not remove Couvre, would spray minoxidil on top of it.

May need to go back to twice a day minoxidil and add Folligen to mix.

So minoxidil then add folligen even if minoxidil not completely dry...OK to do?


Trebor said:
What abuot just using the 1% then?

1% is basically the same strength. It's abad idea to use it every day for most people. But you can try it if you wish.


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will brink is a renowned bodybuilding commentator who is seen as a bit of an authority when it comes to bodybuilding and more specifically 'roids. I think this is designed for men battling hair loss as a side effect of shooting juice. Hence, the high proscar dosage.