Why not grow out the horseshoe?

Captain Obvious

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Does anyone else feel like since the only hairstyle an NW6/NW7 can have is a horseshoe of varied length than why not grow it out? Because unless you are going to completely shave your head every week people are going to notice you're bald on top with a horseshoe around the sides and back. Whether it's a quarter inch or 9 inches of hair it's still a horseshoe.

I (sort of) feel this way because I have learned a lesson from losing my hair. When I had a full head of hair I was always worried about changing hairstyles. "What would people think?", I wondered, "Will they think I'm trying too hard if I spike my hair up today or if I slick it back?". I was always too worried about what people would think when I did something with my hair that for the most part I kept the same, decent hairstyle for most of my teenage years.

But now that my hair is leaving me I feel like F it... I've still got my horseshoe and damnit I'm going to do something with it. What can I do with it? Well I can shave it off or grow it out long. Those are my options and damn if I'm not going to use them!


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Becuz its a sign of vanity...its almost the same as if you were to say FAT N PROUD!!!...doesnt look cool....people can see 75% of ur dome anyways...you have have very little left...might as well just shave it every week wtf is the big deal...i buzz my hairr down every week

Captain Obvious

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"Long hair don't care" - Lil wayne

The reason is because I love a long mess of hair. Even if it's only on the sides and back I want to show the hair I do have some love and let it grow. That's not to say that a shaved head doesn't look nice and clean but shaving my head week in and week out is not only a hassel but it's boring. IMO shaving your head every week is true vanity my friend. I just need some bushieness.


Captain Obvious said:
"Long hair don't care" - Lil wayne

The reason is because I love a long mess of hair. Even if it's only on the sides and back I want to show the hair I do have some love and let it grow. That's not to say that a shaved head doesn't look nice and clean but shaving my head week in and week out is not only a hassel but it's boring. IMO shaving your head every week is true vanity my friend. I just need some bushieness.

shaving isnt much of a hassle like you claim it is. you can also buy 1/32nd inch attachments for hair clippers and buzz your hair down to 2 day stubble. that way you don't need a razor or shaving cream.


Captain, it looks great on you !

Now I see why you decided to keep it.

Check this out everyone. Here's Captain:



Captain Obvious

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Well if that guy wasn't so goofy, like maybe if he was wearing nice clothes (a must for balding men) then he wouldn't look too bad at all. There's no doubt that if he shaved it he would look much sharper but still bald. But growing your hair out is so much more of a statement.


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haha a number of years ago now, back in the mid to late 90s some fan brought a sign to a wcw match saying "hogan fears rogaine"!!!


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The horseshoe isnt and shouldnt be grown out because it looks hideous, unhealthy, and utterly ridiculous. It just looks so so 'wrong'. IMO the common perception of bald men as unattractive is 95 percent because of the stupid men who wear their hair like this, and 5 percent to do with hollywood for then casting these men in roles where they play ugly incompetent and unattractive losers. Evertime I see a guy with a grown out horsehoe I feel like smashing his stupid face in because all he is doing its strongly perepetuating the belief that baldness is ugliness-and if you wear your hair like that, flapping in the wind like some sort of deranged monster, then you can expect people to think it. A recent post in the impact of hairloss section entitled 'hairloss and women' has come to a halt when it was mentioned that 'tons' of girls aged 18-22 said they found baldness 'gross' and 'a turn off'..Now I accept that some of them may have have had a cancer style shaved head in mind when saying this, but I strongly believe that most of them probably referred to it as 'gross' after imagining a greasy grown out horseshoe or some untreated or unshaved all over thinning where the hair looks really greasy and you can see right through to the scalp.

Guy Legend

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JDW said:

haha a number of years ago now, back in the mid to late 90s some fan brought a sign to a wcw match saying "hogan fears rogaine"!!!

That's hillarious. But Hogan looks cool the way he is. 8)


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The current fashion is for guys who are completely bald on top to cut their hair very short, that's the only reason.


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Yeah, it's all about the current trend. Hogan grows his out and wears the bandana. he looks bad ***. Most guys who shave it all look very similar. It works for some though.
I just know that I'll never be able to pull off the slick bald look.


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JDW said:

haha a number of years ago now, back in the mid to late 90s some fan brought a sign to a wcw match saying "hogan fears rogaine"!!!


As a kid I automatically didn't like Hogan as much once I seen his bald head.

Captain Obvious

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Shoot... if I wanted to double the badassness of a long horseshoe I'd have to grow out the matching handlebar moustache!


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I say: f*** it! Do as you want!.

But the sad fact is that if I think of a ridiculous hairdo between them all, the curtain of hair, the grown horseshoe, the "skullet" (skull+mullet)... whatever you want to call it, it is at the top, between the most ridiculous of all.

IMHO, when you go skullet there´s no turning back. You start being that funny guy with the flap of hair, and as a result of that you lose respect for yourself, so it makes you go natural and start wearing sandals and tunics and getting into heavy sh*t such as playing flute, growing vegetables or oil painting of boring landscapes. Not to talk about reading poetry to desperate lonely middle-aged women, while foaming at the mouth thinking in the sweet sex a guy in need like you can take out from their gigantic fat asses.



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Im gonna say something stupid but i dont care. Why dont men that are like Norwood 7s grow there out long then cut all those hairs into 2 and then get a transplant with 2 times as many donor hair? Do they already do that or does the root or bulb of the hair have to be there?


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abcdefg said:
Im gonna say something stupid but i dont care. Why dont men that are like Norwood 7s grow there out long then cut all those hairs into 2 and then get a transplant with 2 times as many donor hair? Do they already do that or does the root or bulb of the hair have to be there?

I was taught in kindergarten there is no such thing as a stupid question so....

Hair is not like a plant branch where you can bury the pruned branch, add some chemicals to induce root formation and grow a "clone" of the original donor plant.

Hair itself is actually dead. Yes, you are correct in stating you need the root to grow hair. Cloning the root is what HM is about and is still years away. I suppose you could cut your hair and punch the cut hair into your scalp like a dolls head :hairy: . You would have to figure out how to anchor it to the scalp and, of course, it wouldn't grow...but if they can do it to Barbie...well....

oh...and I suppose that more or less is what they call a toupee...no?


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Solo said:
IMHO, when you go skullet there´s no turning back. You start being that funny guy with the flap of hair, and as a result of that you lose respect for yourself, so it makes you go natural and start wearing sandals and tunics and getting into heavy $#iT such as playing flute, growing vegetables or oil painting of boring landscapes. Not to talk about reading poetry to desperate lonely middle-aged women, while foaming at the mouth thinking in the sweet sex a guy in need like you can take out from their gigantic fat asses.

LOL. CO, if this doesn't convince you, nothing will.

Solo - well-done, lad.


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Today in class I noticed some girls aged from early 20s to 30s preving at a picture of a guy with a completely shiny dome (could not even tell if he had a horse shoe or not) who was well built, tats on arms, nothing special really just mucho looking dude.

So I gather that, girls like tats (at least the ones in my graphic design class), muscles and "sharp" hairstyles so that the guy looks "Alpha" or something.


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i like the horseshoe look on some guys than a shaved head. some people just dont look right with no hair at all. take jack nicholson for example. in my opinion he looks way better with the little hair he has instead of the completely shaved look.

Captain Obvious

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lain said:
Today in class I noticed some girls aged from early 20s to 30s preving at a picture of a guy with a completely shiny dome (could not even tell if he had a horse shoe or not) who was well built, tats on arms, nothing special really just mucho looking dude.

So I gather that, girls like tats (at least the ones in my graphic design class), muscles and "sharp" hairstyles so that the guy looks "Alpha" or something.
Here's the problem with that...

I believe when most girls see a guy with a completely shaved head they don't realize that the reason is because he has a bald spot. It is my opinion that as soon as she realizes he's growing a horseshoe she'll begin having her doubts.

I compare this to the way us guys look at a girl at the mall and go damn she is beautiful. But we don't take into consideration it probably took her all day to get her make up and *sigh* hair just right. Once the eyeliner comes off and reality hits the swooning depleats.