Why is Nano shampoo by DR. proctor so expensive?


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I'd just like to ask because f*** i just finished a bottle and then went to order another and just realised how expensive it was >< and 25 dollars to ship it to where i am sucks alot too. Any users here used it for a long length of time and experienced matainence or regrowth or something?


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I used it for quite some time and didn't notice and real difference. I don't see anything in there that would make hair regrow. The ingredients read like some one crushed up a dollar or two of an N-Oxide pill from GNC and some other stuff- polysorbate 80, from the old, discredited Helsinki formula, and put a high price on it.

On the other hand, one poster, Bryan, got some regrowth from it. He is the only person to claim success with it alone.

Finally, here is the reason it might cost so much- it doesn't work, so guys will only buy a few bottles, then give up. Got too make the money upfront.


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This is purely anecdotal. Dr Proctor may believe his stuff works, and it costs him a lot to make it, for all I know. But from what I can tell, those ingredients shouldn't cost much. You might try ginger shampoo from the body shop, it has Piroctone Olamine, which has some studies behind it. Also, salicylic Acid shampoo from CVS, can work in combination with nizoral shampoo. Dr Lee sells it as a regrowth shampoo, but you can put a dab of both on your head, mix it up and get the same results.

Finally, if there are a bunch of you that have great success with NANO alone, please post and prove me wrong.

Honestly, you should get some Rogaine, if it doesn't give you sides, and look into Propecia and Tricomin. Tricomin won't grow hair, but it will make the hair you have look a little healthier and stronger.


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I was on Xandrox 15 + and after a month and abit i was certain i had lowered libido. I've been off it 3 or 4 days now and my libido is back 100%, like i mean i definitly notice the difference so I really don't want to chance taking it orally. Gonna get the regular xandrox 15 as i don't appear to have any minoxidil side effects. I use Revita shampoo and nizoral AND nano lol. Abit manic of me and yeah very expensive o_O but oh well.


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hmm maybe that would explain why it's so much cheaper. Maybe i'll email the Dr. himself lol.