Why Is It Socially Acceptable To Laugh At Baldness?


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I'm sure we've all noticed how the "bald guy" is often the butt of the joke in TV and the media or, for example, how a group of lads will often mock any balding guys in the group for losing their hair ect. Society seems to think this is the perceived norm and us balding guys should be able shrug this off and laugh at ourselves otherwise we're seen as humourless, vain or over sensitive.
Her's the thing though; Why is this ok but, for example, it's unacceptable and cruel to make a comment about a womans weight or cellulite? I say this partly because of an experience I had recently - I was enquiring at a chemist about Finasteride and hair loss. The girl I spoke to said with a smirk that they don't sell finasteride and went into the back where I could hear her and some other girls laughing hysterically. This really hurt my confidence. It was also shockingly unprofessional and like I said - could you imagine if a guy who worked at a chemist was laughing at a female customer for being overweight? He'd be seen as nasty piece of work, a sexist and he'd possibly get the sack.
I can laugh at myself but it's the hypocrisy and inconsistency that really gets to me. I gave the above example because women especially don't seem to get it and they sure as hell wouldn't like it if it was the other way round.


My Regimen
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Try this next time. Works fine.



My Regimen
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It's certainly a double standard when it comes to women, it'll always be that way too. This new wave of feminism isn't really about equality as projected, but mere dominance over men. Why is it acceptable to make fun of a man's appearance? Especially a factor he can't control like baldness, yet Sally deserves a 8/10 Chad while weighing in at 300 lbs of lard. This is how women operate now, guess who started this fat acceptance movement? No other than these new wave feminist.

Male baldness isn't taken as seriously because there simply isn't awareness behind its mental health effects, so I'm my opinion that makes it acceptable in the eyes of the general populace to attack those with it. Hell its even acceptable to shame and make fun of fat men, yet you're a sexist vain misogynist to even comment on a woman's weight or appearance.
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Not the old "why can't I laugh at fat chicks?" question again.


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f*** that girl who laughed at you. Was she pretty or was she some landwhale?

It was a couple of weeks ago but I don't remember her being pretty just kind of plain/average.

Not the old "why can't I laugh at fat chicks?" question again.

That's not exactly what my point was and I just want to make it clear that I certainly don't think it's ok to laugh or mock overweight girls (or anyone else for that matter). I was just using it as an example to highlight the double standards and ignorance in society where it seems to be ok to make fun of male baldness but if you were to make fun of something similar you'd be seen as a terrible person. I could have used several comparisons, the overweight girl was just one (and possibly not the best comparison tbh).


My Regimen
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Because as it's almost exclusively a male problem people don't attack it to human emotional suffering. As men we are expected to be strong - AKA denied of having emotions which is ironically seen as "weak" (when in reality admitting true raw emotions event just to yourself is the hardest thing to do in life)

So that's why so many of us kill ourselves, or end up so dysfunctional we no longer have a home, preferring to live on a street, outside like an animal. And that is a choice a lot of the time, it's not simply running out of finances (but you could see why even that happens somewhat intentionally) but they don't even want free shelter, or benefits and government housing, they choose to live out on the street.

Because when you strip someone of emotion they obviously become dehumanised and exist for basic function, and when you're no longer human you revert to being the animal you feel like.


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As baldness is associated with people of over 35 or 40,its funny to see young guys getting bald.


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Because as it's almost exclusively a male problem people don't attack it to human emotional suffering. As men we are expected to be strong - AKA denied of having emotions which is ironically seen as "weak" (when in reality admitting true raw emotions event just to yourself is the hardest thing to do in life)

So that's why so many of us kill ourselves, or end up so dysfunctional we no longer have a home, preferring to live on a street, outside like an animal. And that is a choice a lot of the time, it's not simply running out of finances (but you could see why even that happens somewhat intentionally) but they don't even want free shelter, or benefits and government housing, they choose to live out on the street.

Because when you strip someone of emotion they obviously become dehumanised and exist for basic function, and when you're no longer human you revert to being the animal you feel like.

Yes, this is definitely part of it. As a guy if someone ribs you for losing your hair you're just supposed to just "man up" or laugh it off, otherwise (like I said) you're seen as being humourless or over sensitive and people wonder why guys don't like showing their feelings...............


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Because it looks weird and people hate ugly

Bald men don't look ugly.
In simple words,they don't look attractive ,they are just basic looking.

Bald men can turn into attractive if they have attractive face,personality,nature,kindness or importance of that person to others around.

About premature baldness,its damn surprising for people to see someone bald before 30.
This makes life of that bald man difficult,because many people perceive that person at least 5 to 10 years older than actual age.
This can bring many difficulties in social interaction,some may not be able to adapt this.
They may have problem in making friendships,or even relationship.

Ugliness has nothing to do with this.
