Why is Immortalhair the most famous hair loss cure advisor?


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Why is ImmortalHair the most famous hair loss cure adviser out there today?

Its crazy. Did he cure a lot of guys' hair loss with his advice on regrowth.com and on his website?


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I peruse that site once in a while. I can't say I've ever come across any "real" success stories (when considering the results that can be obtained from min/finasteride) from anyone, just a bunch of guys taking a lot of pills while continuing to go bald. I've definitely never seen any before/after pictures, although not to say they don't exist. If you stumble across his old site, he also makes a claim that one of the dozens of possible side effects from minoxidil is venereal disease or some crap like that, so that kind of lowers his credibility in my opinion. Anyway, I think a lot of the supplements he recommends are healthy and may be helpful for hair in some ways, but will never replace the drugs when it comes right down to it.


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beaner said:
I can't say I've ever come across any "real" success stories from anyone, just a bunch of guys taking a lot of pills while continuing to go bald.

I feel the same way, hell I might even make that my signature. Thanks Beaner!


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He post some pictures at his website and I know a guy who on this regimen and with diet changed reversed his male pattern baldness.

He is so popular because his regimen offers something that finasteride is not able to do - cover all types of hair loss. DHT is main factor, but he reduces this by balancing many other hormones. He cover also cortisol, which you can never manage and in fact when finasteride causes anxiety in some, their cortisol spikes so bad for hair. On finasteride, you are missing important point and it is oxidative stress, inflammation etc.

Yes you can say that without androgens noone would be bald, but DHT is only persecutor and consequence of other things. DHT is the main factor in some cases only and in others, those that dont respond to Finasteride or Dutasteride, there are other ones.


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I thought Bryan was.