Why Is A Reliable Means Of Prognosis So Neglected In Baldness?


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I've been wondering. Why doesn't the hair transplant industry at least invest in developing a way of accurately predicting a person's max extent of baldness?

Wouldn't a reliable prognosis net them more clients? Especially those that can't take Propecia/maintain and need to know if a worst case scenario was still manageable.

I mean sure, unlimited donor hair would be ideal but since they clearly can't manage that, why not go for the next best thing? Just knowing how much you'd need transplanted to have it be over and done with would put many minds at ease. Unlike now where it's a complete gamble (even with Propecia - given that sides can strike at any time).

You literally don't need to actually affect or change anything about the scalp, just f*****g find a way to identify which follicles will eventually succumb to the ravages of DHT.

Surely they realize that the sense of insecurity and risks involved are the procedure's biggest deterrents?


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Unfortunately most people are neither well informed nor thoughtful or terribly sensible.

There are plenty of patients who get a transplant even thought they shouldn't. Just check the latest images from Wayne Rooney.

The public is mostly too dumb to punish the exploitative activity of the transplant industry.
So nobody gives a sh*t about proper diagnosis.


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Wayne Rooney doesn't use Finasteride..it's banned for most professional sports as far as I know and if it isn't, it might get banned in the future as some men become stronger and get more energy when using Finasteride.

His hair transplant is pretty good considering he has always had very thin hair. Sure he does use concealer but he's probably very rich.
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Male pattern baldness (as opposed to hair loss for other reasons) causes the hair shafts to thin & shorten gradually for many years before they are gone entirely. In fact they are thinning for years before the man even has much visible loss.

Get a magnifying glass. Pluck some hairs from your "donor area" (thickest & safest on your head). Compare the shaft thickness to hairs from other areas of your head. Thinner shafts on the front/top/crown are male pattern baldness at work.


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In short, no one gives a sh*t about baldness. Unless everyone becomes bald by tomorrow, and fullheads finally understand the pain.

A level playing field won't change how baldness is perceived. It'd just be normalized. You'd need roles reversed with privileged fullheads for their deliberate stupidity come to an end.