Whowa Story - (Mid 20's /adding Dutas)


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Re: whowahhh's story - (adding Dutas)

why not dropping finas little by little and keeping dutas as the only treatment?

dutas is not available in my country , how much you pay for it?



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Re: whowahhh's story - (adding Dutas)

clever move i hope you to get success with dutas


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Re: Whowahhh's Story - (Mid 20's /adding Dutas)

Have you tried minoxidil+nizoral as well?


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Re: Whowahhh's Story - (Mid 20's /adding Dutas)

I buy it generic through an online pharmacy. Definitley legit, I can tell by the very mild side effects I had on the name brand dht inhibitors vs these generic version meds. I have indeed used minoxidil, just regular old kirkland 5%. I actually went about using that the wrong way and started it a few years ago at the same time I started finasteride, so I am afraid to find out what happens if I cut it out of the regimen but don't exactly know how much its benefitting. All I know is I have not lost one hair in the past few years (I had VERY aggressive hair loss, almost happened over the course of a year). And this month I just took new pictures and the results are so encouraging. People say only to add duta. if propecia is not working. Propecia was definitely working, just no gaining. And I do not want to cut finas out completely. This combo just seems to be working too well. No special shampoo. I need to get more recent updates soon. As you can see in the first two pics though, I was almost clean bald on the back a few months ago (no density or thin hair at all), and the last two pics from a month ago I have tons of dark hair, just small in diameter. Its hard to tell by the pics, but I am hoping im on course for great results.

O no! I just wrote a whole post and it got deleted when the pic failed to upload. Anyways, I will write this again briefly. This is a pic with NO FLASH. I know that the flash does not represent what people see in real life, I mean it definitely accentuates the baldness for that matter. I have always received comments about the bald spot (the dreaded spot) in the past, because the rest of my hair and hair line is really thick. And everyone always calls me GQ lol So I think it always just surprised people when they saw the back of my head so they commented. Anyways, the past month I have not received a single comment, which is a record. And I just recently realized that if I take a mirror and hold it up to another mirror (you know, to see the back of your head) I can actually style it (fluff it up a bit, per sey) in order to mask it, almost in its entirety, which I could never come close to doing before. So I stuck my head in the bathroom lights and took a pic, just so I know what others see. Might I say I am excited. In a little over 6 months. I will update some time soon with pics with a flash in order to try and compare them to previous.

What a difference though. I am about the last human being on earth who could pull off a shaved head, and I mean it. I was literally on the verge of a quarter life crisis 6 months ago during the shed. I could not come close to hiding it like this. I couldent believe it this morning when I looked at it and I could cover it up so that even in the light it was barely visible. It went from the worst its ever been to the best. So hang in there, especially if you are going through a terrible shed.


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Re: Whowahhh's Story - (Mid 20's /adding Dutas)

Wow, styled pics look amazing! can hardly notice the hair loss.. why not buy a small can of toppik/nanogen? It will conceal that spot 10000%. Congrats on your success.. keep it up


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Re: Whowahhh's Story - (Mid 20's /adding Dutas)

holy sheeeeit !! nice job ! looks awesome !

so wait r u still using 5% Kirkland too ?? or is all this success thanks to dutasteride .


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Re: Whowahhh's Story - (Mid 20's /adding Dutas)

can you tell us what online pharmacy youre getting your meds from? thanks


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Re: Whowahhh's Story - (Mid 20's /adding Dutas)

Im not sure if Im allowed to list sites on here but its the opposite of "out-house". Im not sure if it was all because of the dutasteride to be honest. I increased by regimen of the minoxidil 5% as well a bit. I dont know. But the dutasteride definitely played a huge role. I just started going crazy with everything making sure I never missed a day with anything as well as jumpin on the dutasteride wagon. I feel like i just shocked my system. So not exactly scientific, but who cares. People say to only start one thing at a time so you know whats working and what does not. I say if your willing to make a screen name on a forum like this then you obviously are concerned enough about your hairloss that if you take a cocktail of treatments and you get great results then it doesent matter which one is the most effective of the cocktail and and which one the least. It just matters that your getting results. Just my opinion. I froze my hairloss for years (I started losing at 16-17 years old). My bro (1 year older the me) started losing at the same time back then, and he never went on anything, and he Literally has nothing but a little peach fuzz left on the top of his head now. And now the dutasteride not only seems to be preventing my hairloss, but actually reversing it. Well it doesent just seem to be, it is reversing it. Well the dutasteride that is, in combination with the finasteride and the minoxidil, and a vitamin shampoo. which one works the best? Guess I will never know. But im I dont care. Paying generic prices for the finasteride,dutasteride,minoxidil and shampoo = less than the price for propecia.


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Re: Whowahhh's Story - (Mid 20's /adding Dutas)

am i reading that right? duta from inhouse is also reversing your brother's hair loss?


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Re: Whowahhh's Story - (Mid 20's /adding Dutas)

wow it is just amazing u got those results with dutas only or u added something else? did that happened in only 6 months?



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Re: Whowahhh's Story - (Mid 20's /adding Dutas)

Sorry BLINK. That was misleading. No I ment that my brother and I both started losing at the same time (16 or 17 years old) and he never went on anything, and I went on finasteride. He now has a shiny bald scalp aside form a few stragglers and I have what is otherwise a full head of hair except the crown. And now adding the dutas, I am actually able to regrow, not only maintain. Right now my hair is better than when I was 18-19. And im going into late 20's.

And yes I have had tremendous results in 6months from the dutasteride , BUT the last pictures are without flash. That is more representative of what it looks like in real life. The flash accentuates the baldness, and everything else for that matter.

In the one pic You can see all the little sprouts coming int though. That was taken months ago, and they have continued to come in. When I believe I am at my peak in success, or a bit closer, I will take more pics with flash as an official update. But long story short, yes I have had great results. And I dont lose a single hair if I run my hands vigorously from the back to the front of my head anymore (well maybe 1 or 2). When I went throught the shed I would literally lose clumps. Scary as hell. Sorry for the rambling.

Just more support that sheds = good news.


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Re: Whowahhh's Story - (Mid 20's /adding Dutas)

With all the negative dutasteride threads it's refreshing to see someone experience success using Dutasteride. I also don't think I've ever heard of anyone staying on propecia when adding dutas, so that's interesting too.

You've come a LONG way since the before pics and should be extremely happy. I'd suggest adding nanogen fibers too, those were great for me when I was shedding on the crown.

I'm also wondering about the minoxidil. How much do you apply per day? Have you stayed using the same amount these past few years?

Anyway, this thread gives me hope that when/if propecia efficacy begins to fade adding dutasteride might just work!


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Re: Whowahhh's Story - (Mid 20's /adding Dutas)

I saw your post and I'm thinking about starting dutasteride once my propecia runs out next jan. You can see where I'm at in my story where I recently uploaded pics, mostly of my crown. REGARDING your reinforcements picture, do you think the miniature hairs grew in as a direct result of the dutasteride? as in those litter hair were not there before? and was there anything else you did not mention that you think may have contributed to your great results? like ridiculous cardio or something. Thanks for sharing and its posts like yours that give me hope and something positive to look forward to.


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Re: Whowahhh's Story - (Mid 20's /adding Dutas)

sorry it just came to me, it looks like you had a hair transplant in addition to the dutas, please be more clear
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Re: Whowahhh's Story - (Mid 20's /adding Dutas)

The pics w/out the flash are amazing.

How do you style your hair like that? I have more coverage up top, but I can never style it for that much coverage. Very nice.


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Re: Whowahhh's Story - (Mid 20's /adding Dutas)

Awesome dude, I'm really happy for you. Hopefully I'll be seeing great results like that sometime soon!