Who Would Help Fund A Kerastem Therapy?


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Thanks for your effort Vincent.

What I'm wondering is how long after the procedure the first growth will appear. I can imagine it will not be within a month because those stem cels would have to migrate to the follicles and initiate a growth process.

Maybe the clinic could do a procedure on you Vincent free of charge or at a substantial discount, for exposure and marketing purposes. If it were to be successful, they can expect a lot of new business from people on this forum.


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I think I know how to spot shady before/after hair photos. Here's the thread I wrote on this subject: http://www.hairlosstalk.com/interac...nd-manipulation?highlight=photos+manipulation

If you guys know any more tricks and photos manipulations please reply on my thread there. Also send some examples. I wanna arm myself with the best knowledge on how to spot bad photos before I go.

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My whole *** is hairy.

That all said, I am quite excited about this. Hope I don't end up brokenhearted again, but at least I'm doing everything I can to help my hair.

My parents are doctors and so is the girlfriend of my brother so I will ask about this steam cells trend and investigate further. See what results it had in other departments.

hey vince, i would also have a few questions:

1. Is it possible to inject the cells on the neck and sides by dupa patients?
2. In the trials 1.000.000 cells are going to be injected, how much does they inject?
3. Why are the before/after pics under top secret and also, why did the patients came back to the clinic for before/after pics when no control examination is necessary after the therapy?

i think when the pics have the same background, this could be pics from hair transplantations, because i think nobody would come back to the clinic, in order to make advertisement for them.


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if this works for 5 years i am dropping off all maintenance treatments (orals and topicals) and living a life of freedom... if another treatment needs done later down the line, whether its kerastem, replicel or histogen, so be it... you can't put a price on that 5 years for freedom, no side effects or inconveniently mixing up topicals and chopping up powder into gel capsules everyday, its a pain in the d1ck


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Last questions from me;

- how many injections in the scalp?
- do they inject into the scalp or underneath the scalp?
- on what notice can they schedule an appointment for a procedure?

Thanks again.


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Adding my questions:

1) Do injections cause any shock loss? My guess is they will say yes no matter what but still worth asking.

2) Is there any way they can put you/us in touch with a patient(s) that have received the treatment so we cold get their take on it.

3) How long does the procedure take?

4) Does this benefit diffuse thinners more than those or us with slick bald spots?

5) How long ago did they start performing this procedure on patients? Have any of their patients come back for a second treatment? - If they've had patients come back for a second treatment that would tell me it works albeit temporarily (which I'm fine with until Replicel hopefully comes out).

6) How are we supposed to know that the pictures they show you are legitimate Kerastem patients and that the pictures haven't been aided by hair transplant's or finasteride?

I think that's about it for now...


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Please, could you ask this:
-if I am within the 10% failing rate, should I come for a second time and hope it will work?

Thank your very much for this... :)

EDIT: I hope this question was not in the previous post


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1. I would also like to know why they don't mention this treatment on their website.

2. Could you ask them how the results of this treatment compare to PRP?
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A sort of addition to point 23, how would this impact the ability to use topical treatments in the future?

Obviously we would all love for this to take us to NW1 town, but realistically speaking how does it interact with other treatments.


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[video]https://youtu.be/nyf3Vo1SzRs?t=35s[/video]Ok well I've done some thinking. This clinic offers hair transplants well, and no photos. Looks like there are only two doctors in this clinic. Meaning what? What kind of a hair transplant surgeons are they if they do hair transplant once in a while beside all other facial/body plastic/cosmetic surgery? Seems like jack of all trades but master of none. Seeing how Thorn Medical PLC is also hyping about finding 100 % hair loss cure through stem cell therapy this confirms my suspicions that stem cell therapy is just a hyped trend that does nothing.

But I've seen stranger things happen... Like Twin Peaks season 3.

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Here's the male surgeon explaining this stem cell treatment. [video=youtube;nyf3Vo1SzRs]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyf3Vo1SzRs[/video]

imho, if it's hyped it means that there's some rationale behind, it's going to boom soon, and a lot of scammers are trying to ride the horse for a while, before it's too late.
It's more or less like hair transplant used to be: there is still room for butchers nowadays, but much less than 10-15 years ago, since the techniques are known, and the true masters also.

Let's try to understand if these guys in Geneva are scammers or masters. And, in the former case, if the technique is valid nevertheless.


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I think we can't deduct anything from the hair of the researchers/surgeons, as I usually see more than one outcome for each case scenario

-He's bald/balding : 1/ bad sign, doesn't work 2/ great, so he must really put some efforts into his research
-He has all his hair : 1/ his **** is working 2/fullhead wants to rob desperate baldies


My Regimen
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Do injections cause any shock loss?

Good point... more like, can this procedure cause Telogen Effluvium? If it doesn't work and you're stuck with Telogen Effluvium, then you are f*cked.


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I think we can't deduct anything from the hair of the researchers/surgeons, as I usually see more than one outcome for each case scenario

-He's bald/balding : 1/ bad sign, doesn't work 2/ great, so he must really put some efforts into his research
-He has all his hair : 1/ his **** is working 2/fullhead wants to rob desperate baldies

I think if they were selling a cure and he was still bald that would say something. There are plenty of hair transplant doctors that never bother having a colleague perform a hair transplant on them.

I've never took Kerastem to be a cure or create massive regrowth regardless of what they say. As a diffuse thinner that still has a decent hair line and amount of hair I'm hoping Kerastem can just buy me time for a more permanent/efficient solution.

If Kerastem could thicken my hair a bit and help me maintain for a year or two I'd be more than happy to pay for the treatment.

Pray The Bald Away

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My Regimen
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Good point... more like, can this procedure cause Telogen Effluvium? If it doesn't work and you're stuck with Telogen Effluvium, then you are f*cked.
Just curious, if you have thinning on the sides, how can you be sure you don't have DUPA?


My Regimen
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Pray The Bald Away

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My Regimen
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It's possible, but very unlikely. DUPA is extremely rare.
I'm definitely worried about the possibility that I may have it. My Telogen Effluvium hit me about three years ago and I've pretty much maintained sh*t density sense. I heard DUPA was rapid so maybe that means I dont have it. Do you ever lose long, thin hairs? It seems like the CTE has damaged the diameter of some of my follicles because the growth cycle has been so messed up. They aren't tiny miniaturized hairs though. It's just thin hairs. What do you think?


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I am also having a skype call any minute now. I won't go over all the questions that Vince will, but i'll update everyone on the information I get.

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Okay, just got off the call. It was really good, she had a demonstration she showed me explaining the nitty gritty details and the procedure, there was also additional customer photos that had showed ALOT of improvement, very visible no matter what kind of camera you took it with. I asked if she could post them, but she explained that she is part of international boards that bar them from posting any of this or even advertising it. She did say that there are videos online of her explaining the procedure itself, but anything that's considered advertising from her is not allowed. I understand that, my field of work deals with the same issues. Also, based off of their numbers they have seen about a 30% increase in hair, with stronger hair overall on all the existing hairs as well, and it worked on all of the patients. They are also having a meeting at the end of the year with the Japan Kerastem team and putting their numbers to get some quantitative data.

I asked about how the fat tissue will stay there, and she found that question a little funny because that is the least of any worries. The fat is held in by surrounding tissue, and it is injected UNDER the hair follicles in the subcateous tissue (I believe thats the word?). The video demonstrated where they inject, it was about 4 or 6 injections throughout the scalp. Overall, she seemed VERY genuine and very excited about Kerastem overall, she did mention that Japan was the only other country that is pushing regenerative medicine more than europe is and that she's worked with the founders of Kerastem long before Kerastem.

The procedure was indeed Kerastem, they showed the puregraft filtering method, and everything. There was nothing 'knock-off' about the demo. The procedure only requires 2-3 days stay, she said if I lived there I could just get the procedure done and go home after but since i'm travelling from across the world they'd prefer me to stay for two nights. No signs of the treatment after its done either since they just stab you with a needle a few times so you can go right back to normal activity afterwards (well, one day of rest since you'll be on anesthesia). I'm sorry I didn't pull up all of the questions to ask, but hopefully Vince did. I am going to plan on having this procedure done in the summer. I have spoken to many hair transplant doctors and scammy guys who just want to get a sale, but the vibe I got and the evidence that was presented in the demonstration here was great and genuine. I suggest you try to schedule a skype meeting if you are interested. I hope Hellouser schedules a skype meeting and reports back because he is much more articulate than I am and will be able to explain everything better.


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I had a skype consultation with them today as well. I had the same presentation as above and concur. The only point i enquired further on was the injections, there are more than 4-6 although the presentation was edited to show 4-6. She said there are a couple of injections per square cm all over the top of the scalp.

From the pictures i seen in the presentation, i seen the one which i think Christoper1 was referring to were a norwood 6 guy in his 50's went from a NW6 to a NW3.

I thought it was a polished presentation also. I am going for this procedure, they have given me a tentative date of 27th April, i submitted my holiday request in work today, so if its approved i will be booking flights tomorrow.

I am going to put my hair transplant on ice for now, purely because this treatment seems more benificial for me as i still have all my original hairbut its just miniturised all over making me look like a NW3. Therefore the strengthening of the hair appeals to me with this procedure rather than a hair transplant. Also, given the cheap cost its worth a punt.

Another thing, they said the scarring from the lipo can be reduced to 1 incision site, but they generally do two, one on either side for symetry when extracting the fat.

Keen to hear what Vince's experience was like as he had a comprehensive list of questions. Her time with me was limited.

Also, the only pictures they had were up to the 6th month mark. They said they don't have any data or pics at the 12 month mark yet.

They said the procedure can be done under general or local anasthetic. I will definately being going with the general, i want my *** knocked out when they stick a rod in my stomach