Who has been on finasteride the longest?Please share your experience


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Just curious to see who's been on Propecia the longest? Have there been any long-term studies done with Propecia to determine the effects on the internal organs? Just curious.


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I wouldn't worry too much about that. There's people who have been on 5mg per day (five time what we take) for prostate problems for over 15 years and nobody has died from it. I'd be a little more worried about dutasteride, but hell, it's a chance I'm more than willing to take.

Anyway, I seem to remember reading that there are men who have been found who produce no DHT in their bodies whatsoever.

From what I've seen finasteride seems to be one of the safest drugs out there.


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I've been on finasteride since 99'. Slowed my hairloss for 6 years. But has been all downhill the last year. I have lost way more in the last year than the previous 6.

Taking it daily for so long is truely not an issue, in fact its a pleasure, knowing how it is helping. Like, I don't get it when people say "you MUST take it for the rest of your life" like its a bad thing. You take it for as long as you want your hair, and of course thats the rest of my life. Well I wish it was the rest of my life anyway. I have added dutasteride to the mix a month ago.

No sides, no problems. Im as fit and healthy as ever. Had a healthy kid in this time also while still popping my daily pill. finasteride is a great drug. For the ones on here that complain about sides I do feel sorry for them because they are really missing out.

I think finasteride buys you a few years, maybe 5+ years, but sadly I think the hairloss stopping powers diminish so you just gotta hope something better happens in that time. For me, dutasteride came along, hardly the sliver bullet i was hoping for, but at least it gives me some hope again.

And remember, this shoudlnt be a deterent, you are better off having hair for 5 more long years than not.


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i am probably 8 years now, no sides, still going strong

i did go through a shed last spring when i switch to 1/4s proscar, not sure if it was because of the increase dosage, or the fact that i split all the pills at once, and towards the end, they could have been non effective because being exposed to the air for so long...


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bubka said:
i did go through a shed last spring when i switch to 1/4s proscar, not sure if it was because of the increase dosage, or the fact that i split all the pills at once, and towards the end, they could have been non effective because being exposed to the air for so long...

My hair started going downhill as soon as I switched to proscar. I used propecia for 6 years with great maintenance, then switched to proscar for financial reasons and it was the worst mistake I made. I also cut the pill into quaters every 4 days so the pills were exposed to air to some time.

Of course there may have been other factors at play such as fake pills, incosistent dosage due to finasteride not spread evenly in the pills, exposure to air, or maybe it was a conicidence that my hair just grew tollerant of finasteride at the same time i switched to proscar. Its too hard to pinpoint the real reason for the deterioration in my hair, but its easy for me to blame proscar.

I now use propecia and avodart. Expensive, yes, but worth it for the peace of mind


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jc444 said:
bubka said:
i did go through a shed last spring when i switch to 1/4s proscar, not sure if it was because of the increase dosage, or the fact that i split all the pills at once, and towards the end, they could have been non effective because being exposed to the air for so long...

My hair started going downhill as soon as I switched to proscar. I used propecia for 6 years with great maintenance, then switched to proscar for financial reasons and it was the worst mistake I made. I also cut the pill into quaters every 4 days so the pills were exposed to air to some time.

Of course there may have been other factors at play such as fake pills, incosistent dosage due to finasteride not spread evenly in the pills, exposure to air, or maybe it was a conicidence that my hair just grew tollerant of finasteride at the same time i switched to proscar. Its too hard to pinpoint the real reason for the deterioration in my hair, but its easy for me to blame proscar.

I now use propecia and avodart. Expensive, yes, but worth it for the peace of mind

Probably was fake pills.

Im pretty sure that a pill being exposed to air for 4 days isn't too much to worry about. The pills are manufactured in such a way that they all contain the exact same ammount of drug no matter how you split them.


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haunted-ballroom said:
Cassin said:
By the way...quite possibly the most miss leading thread title of all time. lol

haha, yeah, each day I come on here I forget what its about and have to read it again

Ok then...kodakjlowe117... This is a good thread so please take no offensive but I am changing the title so people notice the thread and have a clue what it is about.

It was "Whats your longest?"


"Who has been on finasteride the longest?Please share your experience"


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barcafan said:
Im pretty sure that a pill being exposed to air for 4 days isn't too much to worry about.
in my case, i did all 30 split into 1/4ths on the same day, so i think at the end of the 4ths month, it could have been a factor... who knows


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bubka said:
barcafan said:
Im pretty sure that a pill being exposed to air for 4 days isn't too much to worry about.
in my case, i did all 30 split into 1/4ths on the same day, so i think at the end of the 4ths month, it could have been a factor... who knows

I'm in Elitenet Pharmacies generic finasteride 5mg (not Fincar). I've splitted the pills for one months and i think its making his job right according to my family opinion.

I dont think splitting the pills could be a factor to not work right.


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what a shame it must be if finasteride stop working for you after 5 years and you dont want to take dutasteride


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see when i see this graph, i see an eventual leveling out that is above the baseline... thats my calculus thinking though while looking at the curve


keep in mind, this is an average too, so you are going to have some people who had great success then stopped, some with a slow decline, and probably people who no change, i would love to see the individual data


bubka, i believe that you are correct. i pointed this out to felk here:

http://www.hairlosstalk.com/discussions ... aph#236149

"as you can see, the slope is definitely decreasing as we move from year2-3 and from year3-4 to year 4-5. the decrease in hair count is becoming less steep and this is why i think that a lot of people will eventually flatline on finasteride and not lose any more hair, and that even more people will maintain all that they have on dutasteride.

you said that they lose it much slower than they would without the finasteride. i agree and think that they'd lose it even slower with dutasteride because it inhibits so much more dht. it may take twice as long to lose the same amount of hair on dutasteride but that's just an estimate. "

Now Michael Barry has quoted a researcher who has done studies on this and it's his opinion(the researcher's) that the average finasteride user will hit baseline in 12-14 years, so people starting on it today are in very good shape. The average dutasteride user may hit baseline in 20 years. And also keep in mind that even after hitting baseline, the decline is incredibly slow, so people prob won't notice you are getting worse until 5 years after you hit baseline. Use nizoral with finasteride and you probably don't hit baseline till at least year 18 on average; use nizoral with dutasteride and you probably don't hit baseline till year 25 or 30. Hair cloning will be out by then and other newer topicals will as well


and i forgot about minoxidil. adding minoxidil to the average user probably gives you an extra 5 years on top of the numbers above before getting back to baseline. dutasteride, minoxidil and nizoral may keep someone above baseline for 35 years.


I really admire your optimism Jayman. Lets hope that we can all hold our hair for quite sime time.


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almost 4 years? or was it 2? I can't remember. Anyway, it seems to have stopped the loss. Maybe it got a bit worse. Don't know. I was losing it fast before I got on it, though.