whitegro's story - (28 years old, any hope?)


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Ok. 28 years old. Started suffering a receding hairline at approximately 19 years old, and crown miniaturization became noticeable at 23 or 24. Just started on 1mg finasteride (Proscar, cut into 5ths) on Jan 1/2008.

Hair used to be extremely thick all over the crown, and of course on the sides. The sides are still very strong, good as new.

Is there any hope here in using finasteride? Has anyone seen an instance of successful treatment of such a pattern with just finasteride alone?

It might be worth noting that within weeks of going on finasteride, I noticed the growth of small blonde hairs all along my hairline, the hair on my crown felt noticeably more greasy, and the hair has become easier to manage, so I suspect there's some density improvement happening.



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Re: 28 years old, any hope?

Definately theres hope my friend. I'm suprised nobody has responded. Goto the success stories and check out the examples.

You will need Minoxidil because finasteride is more of a tool to prevent hairloss.... minoxidil will spark more hairs into the growth phase, which is what you need.

good luck


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Re: 28 years old, any hope?

what sammo said


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Re: 28 years old, any hope?

Hey Whitegro. Just wondering why you have taken so long to do something about your hairloss? Why didnt you do something when first starting to thin 5-6 years ago? You may have saved 90% of your hair had you done something at the time. Nevertheless if you get on the Big 3 straight away you have a good chance of getting alot back if your consistant.

Good luck.


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Re: 28 years old, any hope?

Well it didn't actually look too bad till a year and a half ago when it became pretty much impossible to style because of what I now realize is miniaturization -- gel just can't adhere well to miniaturized hairs, so combing it all back and gelling it down was no longer working. And I had medical advice, which quite frankly, was highly ignorant of the treatments available.

I know the hairline is probably shot for good, and I have no problem with that, but it'd be nice to get some thickness back into the rest of the crown.


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Re: 28 years old, any hope?

whitegro said:
I know the hairline is probably shot for good, and I have no problem with that, but it'd be nice to get some thickness back into the rest of the crown.

Very "do-able". You just need to work on it.


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Re: 28 years old, any hope?

Yeah, theres tons of follicles growing throughout the crown, more than what I see most hair transplant patients receive when they get hair put onto their crowns. Just they're all 'invisible' to the camera because they've been miniaturized to hell. I can sit with a girl at a restaurant with dim lights all day long and she'll notice nothing major happening other than the receding hairline. But get out into the sunlight, and holy hell, its like there's nothing there, its transparent.

Most photos I've seen show Propecia actually making matters worse in the 3rd and 4th months, before things get better. So hopefully....


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Re: 28 years old, any hope?

Like many here have said, you will probably need monoxidil since proscar will only maintain the hair you have now. Minoxidil to me has an overall thickening effect but make sure to only take 1ml or less with each application morning and night. When I overdid the Minoxidil (using 1.5ml each application) it caused my face to bloat.


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Just an update. Went only with finasteride, roughly 0.5mg/day. The crown has grown back very strong, and hair loss is barely noticeable. Kind of a miracle cure :).

Overall, I am fairly happy with the results of just using finasteride. And I get a years worth of use out of a single prescription of 34 5mg Proscar tablets (the government approved size in Canada!), so the cost is minimal.


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Congratulations :bravo: . Can you post some pics? I'm interested to see what a positive response to finasteride alone can look like, especially in the frontal area.