Which Dr. Lee's minoxidil will yield the least irritation?


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I'm looking at the ordering page from minoxidil.com and I want to get the right stuff to help my scalp. Right now, I'm thinking:

spironolactone 2%
spironolactone 5% Lotion (hairline)

and a minoxidil soltion.

Xandrox liquid will probably tear my scalp up.
Xandrox lotion might be better...

What about straight up minoxidil?
It seems like BV is the main cause of irritation in regular minoxidil.
What about retin-a?

Sorry I just dont know what the right combo for max regrowth with the least irritation is. Right now i'm on Rogaine 5%.



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Propene Glycol is also a major source of irritation for many.

Secondly, Xandrox liquid 5% is what you want. The 12.5% lotion is hard core and kinda burns even my scalp. I can imagine that the rest of you mere mortals would die a horrible death from it.

Seriously, the least irritating formulation is probably Dr. Lee's standard Minoxidil 5% without Propene Glycol. I've never tried the one without BV, but that might be worth a shot as well.

However, I would also suggest that you try his standard Minoxidil formulation with PPG (contains much less PPG than Rogaine or its generics), as it dries very quickly and doesn't leave any residue like standard Rogaine. This is a great advantage, especially for you as a Diffuse thinner. Imagine having your hair ready to go in 20 minutes with none of that gooky feeling...it's nice, to say the least.

As for Retin-A, it is a fairly potent acid mainly used to treat acne and wrinkles. However, it does have some proven hair regrowth properties on its own and in my opinion, does a lot to assist the cause. Personally, I feel Dr. Lee's minoxidil/Retin-A topical is the best in the world, but that's just me. There are a few theories that Retin-A exofoliates the dead skin on the scalp and allows the minoxidil to penetrate better. I'm inclined to agree.

Retin-A can irritate your skin, though, and it's not for everyone. Bryan suggests each person who uses Retin-A buy some on the side and mix it into their minoxidil with as much as they feel they need. I agree.


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Axon said:
Propene Glycol is also a major source of irritation for many.

Secondly, Xandrox liquid 5% is what you want. The 12.5% lotion is hard core and kinda burns even my scalp. I can imagine that the rest of you mere mortals would die a horrible death from it.

Seriously, the least irritating formulation is probably Dr. Lee's standard Minoxidil 5% without Propene Glycol. I've never tried the one without BV, but that might be worth a shot as well.

However, I would also suggest that you try his standard Minoxidil formulation with PPG (contains much less PPG than Rogaine or its generics), as it dries very quickly and doesn't leave any residue like standard Rogaine. This is a great advantage, especially for you as a Diffuse thinner. Imagine having your hair ready to go in 20 minutes with none of that gooky feeling...it's nice, to say the least.

As for Retin-A, it is a fairly potent acid mainly used to treat acne and wrinkles. However, it does have some proven hair regrowth properties on its own and in my opinion, does a lot to assist the cause. Personally, I feel Dr. Lee's minoxidil/Retin-A topical is the best in the world, but that's just me. There are a few theories that Retin-A exofoliates the dead skin on the scalp and allows the minoxidil to penetrate better. I'm inclined to agree.

Retin-A can irritate your skin, though, and it's not for everyone. Bryan suggests each person who uses Retin-A buy some on the side and mix it into their minoxidil with as much as they feel they need. I agree.

Hrm... Lots of info here.

Thanks for the help. I'm going to get 1 of the regular minoxidil, 1 or the minoxidil without BV, and 1 bottle of the minoxidil with Retin-A. Also some spironolactone 2% & creme. I'll try each for a week and see which on I adapt to the best.