Wheres Everyone Getting Their finasteride ??


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Indian generics are so cheap because they don't pay any royalties to Merk. Merk had to pay for the expensive FDA trial, and charges more for Propecia to try and recoup those costs. Had they told me when I was NW2 that they can't claim in does not work in front because it was not tested there, I'd be loyal and buy Propecia. Since they said it only works in back, and I went to NW4a before getting on, I have no loyalty to Merk, and buy it royalty free overseas.

I was on Doctor Prescribed Propecia for 2 years. I saw a little bit of regrowth. My brother did not get on in time, and lost tons of hair in that time period. Then I switched to 1/4 Fincar from Inhousepharmacy and UnitedPharmacies. I have been on that for the last 5 years, and to this day have seen no loss in hair. I even have hair grafts in front to mark the spot. There is no gap growing between the hair and the grafts. According to the FDA trial, if my Fincar is fake, I should have lost everything I gained or saved, and more since then. So I think the stuff is real. I pay $7 per month, no insurance.


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From a real pharmacy with a real prescription from a real dermatologist. Got 100 pills of 5mg finasteride for €16.50. Cut in quarters, that's over a years supply. :)


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Grmngeorg said:
What is the consensus on dosage? Is 0.5 mg enough??

Its supposed to be m8 ,
I just started taking it today as my stuff finally arrived from Inhouse