Where Am I On Norwood? Late 30s. Any Advice?


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I’m a male. Almost 38 years old. Never been on any hair loss meds. I noticed in my mid 20s I was receding. Hasn’t really moved sense. I’ve always had a high hairline with widows peak. People even told me when I was 14 it looked like I had a receding hairline (that was probably just them seeing the widows peak.

No thinning at the crown. It’s a little over 4” all around right now.

Dad has a thick full head of hair. He’s 67. Looks like maybe a NW1. Moms dad had thinner hair but never went full bald. He was 85 and still had some hair. All uncles on both sides have thick hair.

Anyway thanks guys and merry Christmas.


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Thanks for the response. Any suggestions on what to do about it? It has changed much in over 10-12 years.

I had a dermatologist friend tell me it was a Norwood 1.5 but they aren’t hair specialists.


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Looks like about a nw1.5-nw2 yes. For a man in your late thirties that is very good. U don't need any treatments in my opinion as of this moment.


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Thanks for the feedback. Guess I’ll just go with it. I’ve got several kids now. Married. Really am not super concerned.


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Any other thoughts on where this is at? Nearly a year later and it still hasn’t moved much.

Androgenic Alpaca

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Any other thoughts on where this is at? Nearly a year later and it still hasn’t moved much.

I don't think you have much to worry about. I'd actually say that you've got a NW1. You're hair density is excellent. You'll probably have some thinning as you get into your 40s, 50s, and 60s since hair density decreases with age, irrespective of androgenic alopecia. But it'll look natural since all old people, men and women, will have less hair.


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Well I posted this almost 4 years ago. I’m 41 now.

Growing it out again. Still no hair plan or anyrhunf

It’s wet in the pics so always looks a little worse when wet.


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Jack Ito

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Mate you’re literally 41 with a full head of hair. I get you’re concerned like all of us men but I’d kill to have hair like yours at your age. Everyone experiences recession as they get older it’s completely normal which is exactly what you’re going through, a normality