Where Am I At In My Balding? (with Pictures)


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So I'm 24 years old, as I assume most of you are in the same boat, I want to keep my haair as long as possible to have a chance with women, maintain general confidence etc...

I first noticed some thinning when i was like 19/20, nothing crazy at all but I'm super paranoid so I took finasteride. I certainly realize I'm not looking like Larry David but at the same time I have lost the thickness I used to have which really sucks. I went to Dr. Leonard (for those of you in Boston) regarding hair implants and he said I was a. too young, b. I'd just lose hair around it so it definitely wasnt worth it yet.

I've experienced more shedding over the past couple of months and I guess I'm coming to the realization that I'll never have the "luscious locks" I had in high school, but really any recommendations are much appreciated.

I've been taking finasteride 1mg and biotin for the past 4ish years and use Nizoral 3 times a week typically using tee trea shampoo the other days. . Afraid to try minoxidil/ rogaine because the whole shedding thing scares me, (but open to personal experiences there). Vitamin/ supplement recommendations are welcome

Also worth noting, I'm not fat or anything but don't necessarily have the best lifestyle, eat as I want and drink and smoke on weekends etc. I feel like i constantly touch my hair too as an ocd thing so I don;t know if thats bad too.

Sorry for the long post but really just want some help!!

Thanks Y'all


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Hate to say it, but you're going on or at a Norwood two. The bad thing is, you actually seem to be balding in both
vertex and hairline, definitely hairline.

Why not add Minoxidil foam?

Also, you might need to consider stopping smoking, and adding more healthier life style choices? The older you get,
the harder it will be to quit. You'll be stuck in bad habits. Smoking might help your hair. It will definitely help your
lungs to quit.

Excuse me, while I smoke some marijuana (LOL).