When the itchy scalp will go aways ?


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It has never truly gone away for me. That being said, the itch was absolutely terrible before I got on the meds, like, on a scale of 1-10, it was a burning 7 or 8, depending on the day. Now (on the big three), I have some days where I get zero scalp itching, then the occassional days with 5-15 minutes of 2/10ish itch. On the worse days, it is probably a dull but easily bearable type of 4/10 itchiness.

So as you see (in my case) - it is never nearly as bad as it was when I started balding, and sometimes it goes away completely for a bit. But it is still there. The best advice I can get is to not scratch your head. If you just man through it for a bit, it goes away (for me anyways). The times I've scratched my head for an instant relief - it has gone on for a longer time and I end up scratching pretty badly, possibly even resulting in some hair loss from the scratching itself in addition to the redness of the scalp.

I feel like my scalp is getting a bit better with time though, with me adding some nutrients to my regimen, changing up my non-Nizoral shampoo and also combing more often. (Keeps the scalp cleaner, no sebum build-up like I had when I didn't comb much if at all in my balder days).


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I wish I had the answer to this but unfortunately my itch has been very persistent the last 1.5 + years. I have not been able to make it go away :/


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wash your scalp everyday with a soft shampoo (without SLS), try different brands until you find the best for your scalp


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I never had an itchy scalp, I had a horrible ache on the top of my head at the start of treatment. It felt as though the top of my head was badly bruised... hurt like hell. That went away after 7 months


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probably never