When the hair is wet...


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I know your hair is weak when it's wet and you shouldn't go scrapping a comb through it. But I'm wondering what is an average amount of hair to loose when one is washing their hair during the rinse process.

Also when applying gel to the hair when it's wet. It seems like when I run gel through my hair with my hands there's sometimes 10 or so hairs in my hand.


hair today gone tomorrow

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people who dont have male pattern baldness lose anywhere from 50-100 hair throughout the day...what you lose in the shower shouldnt matter. What matters is the ratio of hairs in the telogen phase vs. anagen phase. In other words, is the hair you are shedding being replaced with healthy hairs or miniaturized hairs. THe only way to find out is to take pictures now and a couple of months from now OR to go see a derm/hair replacement doctor. If you are losing over 100 hairs a day then you def. have male pattern baldness. if you suspect you have male pattern baldness chances are you have it.


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Ppatience is seriously the hardest thing. I've been taking pictures for about 6 months now and I don't think I've lost too much hair in that time period. However I remember, or atleast I think I remember having much thicker hair 5 years ago when I was 20. I'm at this stage where I can deal with my hair as it is now... but any thinner and I'd have to start thinking about seriously starting a treatment. It's kind of a rough spot to be in.


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Everyone sheds hairs throughout the day ITS A NATURAL STAGE OF THE GROWTH CYCLE and things like brushing and washing will make hairs shed, but these are hairs that are ready to shed anyway. I'm sure if you followed Brad Pitt around all day you would find that he sheds 100+ a day aswell.

DO NOT sit around counting how many hairs you can find on your comb/pillow/sink.
Just because you find you find you are shedding hair it does'nt mean you are going bald.
Dont worry about whats shedding, worry about its regrowth as long as you cant see new thinning or recesion it does'nt matter if you are shedding 100's because you are also regrowing previously shed hairs everyday.