When did minoxidil start working for you?


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I'm getting about three months in to minoxidil and it's really not helping. I'm sure my hair actually is worse now. I'm still shedding. I'm curious when the improvement is supposed to be heading my way?


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are you using it twice a day as recommended?....if not, then that could be why u have not seen any results.....i have been on minoxidil for 2 months and about 3 weeks into it, i had a monster shed taht lasted for 2 weeks. Just now am i starting to see regrowth all over my head because i apply all over religously. good luck!


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I've been using minoxidil 5% twice a day for a little over three months. About two weeks into it I started shedding, and it lasted a month. For the last six weeks, I'm losing much less hair than even before I started the treatment. In the last week or so I've noticed some modest regrowth. I'm also using Tricomin and dutasteride, and for the last month, Revivogen.


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make sure you drop the drops of minoxidil directly onto your scalp. maybe your hair is soaking up all of the minoxidil. it happens to me so i usually end up using a little bit more than 2 ml twice a day. try applying it more thorougly maybe it'll show some improvement.

good luck


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question about the shedding

As a newbie here, and after reading what I suppose is the chief article on shedding at this site, to what degree do most people generally shed? 2x typical hair loss, 5x, 10x? Or is shedding so varied that generalization is pointless? Is there any evidence that age is a factor?



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I've been using it for the last 3.5 months and its defanitly working, seem to be losing a lot less hair and also starting to see some new regrowth at the front, can't really say for the back though. Just stick with it for 12 months like they reccomend everyone has different effects.


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I used it for 6 months a while back 2x per day with no results. I'm considering going back on it because I don't think I really gave it enough time. I'm going to use Dr. Lees stuff because it dries so quick (30 min). One of the reasons I quit using it in the past was because of the drying time. Maybe now I could stick with it. It did seem to thicken my vertex up a bit though. No regrowth.


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if dr. lee's stuff takes 30 minutes (and that's good) how long does minoxidil typically take to dry?