What's the youngest age you've heard for a transplant?


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What's the youngest age someone on the site (or you have heard of) has gotten a hair transplant? I know that it depends on if your hair loss has stabilized, but i was still wondering what kind of results this person had and if they were happy with their decision.


I have heard of someone at the age of 21 getting some donr but i personally think its stupidity at that age.



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Suppose phase II of Intercytex's trials go as planned and phase III has started or has just completed when I turn 22, would it still be stupid to get a transplant knowing the technology to fill in any further loss is/ will soon be available.


If that is the case maintainence1 then i would say it should be ok,but currently at the moment No,its way to young to judge what the further hairloss will be.I think the earliest should be if need be 26.Look in the long run its up to the individual but most surgeons will opt for medication like Propecia and Rogaine at a young age then surgery.


not me!

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damien said:
I have heard of someone at the age of 21 getting some donr but i personally think its stupidity at that age.


I am going to have to disagree. You cannot make a blanket statement like that without looking at all of the facts. I personally know a young man that recieved a hair transplant at the age of 21 (almost 22). I also spoke with the physician that performed the hair transplant procedure. We spoke at much length about the criteria he weighed to come to an ethical situation for the young man:

1) He spoke with the young man's father about his hairloss, his family's hairloss, and what they did to help fight it. It turns out that the father's and uncle's pattern was much like the young man's. It started rapidly but stabilized at a NW2. Niether the father or the uncle have ever taken measures to fight their hairloss. The mothers' side of the family never showed much, if any, hairloss at all.

2) He spoke with the young man at length about what he had already done to stabilize his hairloss. He had taken Finasteride and Minoxidil religiously for around 18 months. He started utilizing Nizoral 1% around 3 months before. The physician wrote him a prescription for 2%. The young man was very diligent and serious about his regimen.

3) The procedure was roughly 1,600 grafts. The patient's donor area had above average density and laxity, thus leaving plenty of donor area hair for future procedures IF NEED BE but the entire plan was for the first procedure to be the sole procedure.

Like anything, there is no 100% guarantee on anything. However, to write off a situation SOLELY because of age is irresponsible and, in my opinion, immature and lazy.


Social drinker im not saying dont go have one.In most cases the surgeon would prefer that you take something like rogaine or proscar to maintain your exsisting hair at a young age before going for a hair transplant.But as i said its up the individual person and there surgeon.



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agreed, even if things go downhill, FUE is perfect to touch up, given that you have an average donar density. Typical people have 8000-12000 grafts available so the worst scenario is thinning at the crown.


Stabone i agree totally.Im glad people have that much donor because ive had 1300 already and are going back for a 2nd procedure in 3 weeks to dense it up at 50cm/2.


Jay Tee

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The surgeon who did my hair transplant told me that they had once performed a procedure for a young kid (probably around 10 years old) who was a burn victim. They did a procedure to fill in a small part of his scalp where hair was no longer growing from the burn, and it turned out to be a success.


Jaytree that would be true.Hair transplant surgeons do these type of procedures on burn victims, people in car accidents etc.



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youngest hairtransplant

I was told by the consultant Steve Hodgkins at MHR that "Dr." Magdalin had done work on a 16 year old girl to lower her hairline. On one of my emergency follow ups realizing what a butcher job he did to my head I asked him "how could you guys do this to a 16 year old girl?" Steve answered "We had the parent sign the consent form." I always wonder what happened to that little girl. Or how "Dr." Magdalin sleeps with himself.


Mahair you have to be so damn careful these days.They are alot of great surgeons out there,and there are alot that can do further damage to our hair and self esteem.I tell people to do there research thoroughly on there choice of surgeon.


The Rock

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why doesn't everyone just go to armani or hasson and wong..they do the best jobs from what i can see.....and are a little more expensive but as we all know, nothing great comes cheap


The Rock i agree that Hasson and Wong are good but there are also alot of other good ones out there,depending on where your from!



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I had my first one at 19. I was taken advantage of by a scumbag salesman who saw an insecure kid. Not to mention the doctor was a hack and screwed me up bad. At the time the internet wasn't nearly what it is now and the info just was out there. I was forced to wear a rug for almost 10 years until I found Hasson 6 months ago. It is sooo good to leave my house w/o that G-damn think strapped to my head.


Kel im glad that you have found some joy now.People have to be so careful of getting the right surgeon to do there procedure otherwise it can turn wrong like it did for you.Can i ask who did your procedure and how many grafts you got!



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My first, botched procedure was done in boston by this group call New England Assoc. I dont remember the doctors name, probably a good thing. I got like 260 grafts for like $15 piece. My new procedure,which i am incredibly happy with was done by Hasson and while I dont remember the exact number I want say it was 4460 or 4480. something like that.