Whats the best topical DHT Inihibitor? Need help ASAP


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Dblbass128 said:
yay my threads get mad hits yo

I ordered Xandrox 15 plus might add spironolactone or is that over kill


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Hi, mate. Seeing as you're feeling lonely I'll stick in my 2 cents! lol!

If you're on Propecia or Avodart then I don't think a topical DHT only inhibitor is all you need to stop hair loss. It's my belief that internal DHT inhibitors work pretty damn well at counteracting DHT's effect in the scalp (as well as in the body). What you really need (IMHO) is something that blocks other androgens (specifically testosterone, but also Androstenedione) from activating the androgen receptor. I believe it's because of the fact that other androgens are activating the AR that balding continues in most men even whilst on Propecia and Avodart. It also seems a vast majority of men experience diffuse thinning as opposed to temple recession and crown thinning whilst on Propecia/Avodart and I think the reason for this is testosterone itself and not it's metabolite DHT. Women, who generally speaking experience diffuse thinning, have been shown to have higher levels of Testosterone but normal levels of DHT.

So, in my opinion, the best plan of attack would be an androgen receptor blocker or something that negates the effect of testosterone/androstenedione. spironolactone, Fluridil, Flutamide (though systemic absoption could be an issue), and perhaps Revivogen are all possibilities, though how truly effective they are I don't really know.



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Slime707 said:
Hi, mate. Seeing as you're feeling lonely I'll stick in my 2 cents! lol!

If you're on Propecia or Avodart then I don't think a topical DHT only inhibitor is all you need to stop hair loss. It's my belief that internal DHT inhibitors work pretty damn well at counteracting DHT's effect in the scalp (as well as in the body). What you really need (IMHO) is something that blocks other androgens (specifically testosterone, but also Androstenedione) from activating the androgen receptor. I believe it's because of the fact that other androgens are activating the AR that balding continues in most men even whilst on Propecia and Avodart. It also seems a vast majority of men experience diffuse thinning as opposed to temple recession and crown thinning whilst on Propecia/Avodart and I think the reason for this is testosterone itself and not it's metabolite DHT. Women, who generally speaking experience diffuse thinning, have been shown to have higher levels of Testosterone but normal levels of DHT.

So, in my opinion, the best plan of attack would be an androgen receptor blocker or something that negates the effect of testosterone/androstenedione. spironolactone, Fluridil, Flutamide (though systemic absoption could be an issue), and perhaps Revivogen are all possibilities, though how truly effective they are I don't really know.


Thanks for the reply...I dont think Revivogen has done much for me and I cant take internals due to side effects so I was thinking I need to throw a topical kitchen sink at it...also I have no recession just general thinning on the top. I use Foam...not religousley but I try to use it at least once a day as well as Tricomin...I am stopping the Revivogen and I am going to give Xandrox 15 a try. Maybe I should add spironolactone?


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stav87 said:
how long have you been on Revivogen?

About a yr now

I think it helped in the beginning I also think my haair got worse when I went to using it 3 or 4 days a week


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Hi, mate. You're probably not gonna like this, but if you're not on an internal DHT inhibitor then you really will be fighting an uphill struggle and YES you could definitely do with a topical DHT inhibitor as well as an androgen receptor blocker or testosterone/androstenedione antagonist. BUT, the fact that you're on minoxidil is definitely a good thing if you're dead set about going without Propecia or Avodart because that is your best chance of maintaining/marginal regrowth even though it doesn't effect the fundamental balding process per se.

On Revivogen, I DO think it works to an extent, but as I said above, without a internal 5AR inhibitor it's results will be unimpressive (and I don't think they'd be amazingly impressive even WITH one - though I do think it is beneficial). Getting on spironolactone would be a good idea, but again, I don't think it will do a great deal as a topical anti-androgen on its own....

I do think (and it pains me to say it as I still think it's a poor option due to the side effects involved) that Propecia and Avodart (even alone) are your best bets at maintaining and perhaps regrowing some hair. If you're looking for another possible avenue to explore you could look at Low Level Laser Light Therapy for hair loss. Just google lasers and hair and it'll throw up a few sites you'll be able to get some info from. The claims haven't really been substantiated, but there are a few who swear by it. Hope that helps.


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Slime707 said:
Hi, mate. You're probably not gonna like this, but if you're not on an internal DHT inhibitor then you really will be fighting an uphill struggle and YES you could definitely do with a topical DHT inhibitor as well as an androgen receptor blocker or testosterone/androstenedione antagonist. BUT, the fact that you're on minoxidil is definitely a good thing if you're dead set about going without Propecia or Avodart because that is your best chance of maintaining/marginal regrowth even though it doesn't effect the fundamental balding process per se.

On Revivogen, I DO think it works to an extent, but as I said above, without a internal 5AR inhibitor it's results will be unimpressive (and I don't think they'd be amazingly impressive even WITH one - though I do think it is beneficial). Getting on spironolactone would be a good idea, but again, I don't think it will do a great deal as a topical anti-androgen on its own....

I do think (and it pains me to say it as I still think it's a poor option due to the side effects involved) that Propecia and Avodart (even alone) are your best bets at maintaining and perhaps regrowing some hair. If you're looking for another possible avenue to explore you could look at Low Level Laser Light Therapy for hair loss. Just google lasers and hair and it'll throw up a few sites you'll be able to get some info from. The claims haven't really been substantiated, but there are a few who swear by it. Hope that helps.

IDK, Ive heard of success with a strong topical regimen. Im sure my hair would be a lot worse if I hadn't started topicals back in 2006.


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Hmmmm, I wonder how many of these success stories you speak of involve minoxidil or are using a topical AA that is likely systemically absorbed :)


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Slime707 said:
Hmmmm, I wonder how many of these success stories you speak of involve minoxidil or are using a topical AA that is likely systemically absorbed :)
