What's Gone Wrong With This System Guys?

Tom Williams

My Regimen
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Hi guys,

I'm getting a hair system fitted this weekend and i've started to check pics on instagram and follow people who have had systems done.

I've noticed that some of the guys I follow post pics of their new system, then pics after a month or so they are back wearing hats.

Surely all hats should be binned once you have a system to show off ( i currently have 37 hats).

Is just part of the process of a system wearer. One guy I'm following posted these pics below. They are a month apart. Can anyone tell me whats happened. Is that normal. When first done looks nice and fresh but after 4 weeks that looks like a piece. Is it poorly maintained / styled or is this where that hats come in.

Sorry I'm posting alot with loads of questions but just learning as I go.


Senior Member
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To be honest I can't see that much difference - it just looks a bit greasy and unkempt in the second one. I wouldn't have been able to tell it was a piece from either of those photos.