What's going on?


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Hey everyone -

I'm not a regluar poster on this site. I check in from time to time to see if there are any updates in research. Overall, this site is great. However, a little outdated. The home page never posts any findings or press releases. The only updates you can find are through member posts.

Lately it's been a little quiet as far as breakthroughs. The only exception I guess is the Russian gene study a couple of weeks ago. Does anyone see anything promising in the pipleine other than HM? Curis? What ever happened to that stem cell breakthrough that was all over the news in 2004 from George Cotsarelis? That kind of just went away. Is it really wishful thinking that something better than propecia will come out within the next 5 years? I am not a pessimist - i hate them -so if you are going to be completely negative please don't respond. There's a difference between being realistic and straight up cynical.
