what would you do if you had my hair?


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can i ask why your giving up the fight? you still have a great head of hair and with meds you should be able to maintain. I had your hair at 22, so if you continue with the big 3 maybe you hair won't be as bad as mine for another 16 years? and there has to better treatments available in that time.


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i give up the fight because i dont know what will happen to me in the future, im just 18 when i first poped up the propecia without knowledge and experience of hair loss, it has just a horror of hair loss ,
maybe im not going to be bald like my father, i force my self to recognize the genetics that i inherit from, its an option to me, i wait until a spesific norwood scale that match from my family members and then i will make a choice, maybe im just like my grandfathers hair , i dont know my hairs future, my life is not a gambling thing ,i can not live with drugs, and also people are not evoluated to live with drugs.(except vital)


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I respect the accepting hairloss and moving on, i think many people out here wish they could do the same, but i'm not sure i understand the lets see how bad it's going to get and then decide philosophy?
I think if you know your losing and you know you want to do something about it then it doesn't make sense to wait until it really progresses? I wish i knew about these forums when i was 22 and had the resources of others and their experiences, I would have jumped on the big 3 as soon as i could.
ofcourse propecia was not available for me when i was 22 but i remember when it first was, I switched from rogaine to it, not knowing that the two of them had a stronger value working together.
I probably lost more hair out of ignorance then anything else, be well informed.


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there is a point you probably dont experience(yet). the period of taking the whole drugs , if you stop taking or pause or forget the drug at any time, your body extremely fast trying to rollback all changes of your scalp and body, it called reflex-ashjdkalas(i dont know the name). so this medication types are foolish. i cant name propecia as a medication, because there are no illness around, this is just maturing, you fight with your own maturing process,you are blocking your own puberty.
if you start again the drug, because of reflex-dsjkdsasd when you want to rescue your losing hair, it falls more more faster, untill a "balance", so using a while and stopping(5 days of pause) also means never used, if you want hair take this pills all your life,(to me its obsessive).
please seperate these two, propecia blocks very special hormone body needs it, you may think that your hair dies. rescue a falling hair with blocking all operations of puberty: its argumentative.
scientists need more money to more research, propecia(do not believe in prophets) can supply their needs until a new solution appears. but i dont participate. :innocent:


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thanks for all the responses, many were very encouraging, I did not post a hairline pic in the first post, see below for updated pic to show how much i'm receding.


now that you've seen the ugliness of it, for those who said my hair didn't look bad, do you still agree with that statement? to me it looks and feels awful and i'm really struggling to figure out just what to do about it? yes i'm on the big 3 and plan to stay on them, but is it also time for me to buzz my hair down really short and hope it looks ok?


Established Member
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yeah, even if it is a little thin, you're hardly expected to have teenager hair at your age. if you're self conscious about the thinning you can always go for a shorter cut to hide it.


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i'd like my teenage hair back!!! but yes i know what you mean, do you think i should go real short as in buzz it?


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Hey longtime. I have to say that you're almost 40 years old and you still have plenty of hair, I'll be happy to have that much hair at 40. I think you need to recognize that there is a good chance that you would be bald like your father and brother had you not taken the meds, and you need to be grateful that you at least made it this far with a relatively decent head of hair. At this point, if the meds stop working, that would really suck, but look at the bright side, you still have lots of hair, and from the looks of it, you'll still have lots of it for a few years to come. Just keep your fingers crossed that they come out with some new treatment before the sh*t really hits the fan, and if they don't, then hey, whats wrong with being bald in your mid to late 40s? Most men by that point show signs of balding.


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thanks nene, I understand what your saying and i thought i'd feel the same way myself when i was younger. there is no question that the meds have been very good to me, but as i close in on 40, hairloss is something that still effects me, maybe it's for slightly different reasons now then when i was in my 20's but i still hate how thin my hair feels and how bad it looks at the end of the day.

you guys have all been a tremendous help and i appreciate your feedback, maybe now it's time for me to stop dwelling on it and try to enjoy life more then i have been lately.


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You're right, I didn't mean to be insensitive. It's just I'm young and it seems I won't care about hairloss in my 40's, but who knows how I will feel when I get to that point. Anyway, from the looks of it, you'll have lots of hair for many years to come. It honestly doesn't look bad from the pics, doesn't seem like you need to resort to buzzing your head yet. I heard that some people increase the dosage of finasteride when it starts losing efficacy. Maybe you can ask your doctor about that? Also, a hair transplant would help but then again that could be trouble if the finasteride stops working soon. I would just keep my hopes up for another year and see what happens.


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i don't think you were insensitive at all, i used to think 40's was old, now not so much!
I actually started taking 2mg of finasteride a day about a month ago, just to see how I'd react to it, so far no sides and hope that will help slow things down for awhile.
I have to figure out now how i'm going to be able to keep up with it, the derm i see now is not a fan of hairloss medication and getting him to prescribe me proscar is out the question, so i need to find some way in the next month or so to up my prescription or i'll have to go back to 1 mg a day.
what bothers me about my hairloss is more how it feels then it looks, so I don't think hair transplant would work for me, all of them that I see have been nothing more then moving hairs around the head to make the hair appear fuller, so until there is something better available that option is out.