What will happen if I stop taking fincar for 2 months?


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I have been taking fincar and nizoral for over a month now. I have noticed some improvement in my receding hairline but behind it my hair seems to be thinning over the last week or so.

Anyways I leave for Navy boot camp in June and wont be able to take it. Im hoping maybe I can get a prescription from a doctor and they will allow me to take it with me but this probably wont happen because it isnt necessary for my health and I havent even had or visited a doctor since I was like 12. Once I leave ill be able to take it since I wont have RDC's breathing down my neck.

Will my near 8 months of taking fincar be ruined by this 2 month hiatus?


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there's really no way you can sneak it on somehow, or are they really strict about that kind of stuff?


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my guess is that 2 months will definitely set you back some, although from the readings it seems like the fall out from not taking it can take up to a year, so i guess it depends on the person.


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They search the bag you bring and anything you brought that is not on the list is shipped back at your cost or donated to charity. That would suck if I left boot camp almost as bald as they shaved me when I first got there.


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HairDude99 said:
They search the bag you bring and anything you brought that is not on the list is shipped back at your cost or donated to charity. That would suck if I left boot camp almost as bald as they shaved me when I first got there.

I would somehow try though. 2 months is a long long time.

You can't have any RX unless the military docs write you a script. Maybe hide it inside a pen?


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i would be really surprised if you didn't go to the doctor, and tell them you have been on this medication for eight months, and it has to be taken everyday or else you lose your progress, he would be willing to write you the script, i mean, come on, these people are human too. if that doesn't work i guess all you can do is try and wait it out, ask HairLossTalk.com what happened when he stopped, and if it fell out in 2 months, i know he has discontinued using it.